Amon Amarth Studio diary!

Gas grills ftw.

I have visions of problems with the ignition switch, someone sticking their head in the grill to "find out what's wrong with this damn thing" and then I get this smell of burning hair...

AGAIN! Oh save me lord from the wrath of the norsemen!

Most of them are blonde.....ooooooo I am running.
Brothers & sisters! The Studio Diary Episode 4 is already available! Yes! Yes! Yes! Enjoy it!

Finally got around to watching 3 and 4 :p
3's awesome. It's like watching my mate when he gets lighter fluid. There's basically none left when hes done.
And weeee. Almost all the music recorded :D
:lol: "I need something to drink... And so here I have two very nice whiskeys" :lol:
Can't wait.
God damn this is going to be great. The tiny snippets I've heard sound fucking awesome.
That shits hilarious at the end playing Team Fortress with the heavy weapons guy, getting killed and screaming at the tv haha.
This sounds killer. Can't believe they're already almost done. Too used to bands being all Orphaned Land/Wintersun/Chinese Democracy bullshit ("it'll be out in a couple years, if we feel like it"). These guys know how to GET SHIT DONE. AWESOME. Johan sounds great. The snippets I've heard sound fairly aggressive (never a bad thing) but I hope for another song in the style of Under The Northern Star as well. Fortunately, with Amon Amarth you know what to expect. Can't fucking wait. Not sure whether I'm more looking forward to the album or the tour.
that was hilarious... i'd love to see an animated gif of him eating that chip and giving the horns; i prolly watched that a dozen times

on the other hand, myspacetv friggin blows... can't fullscreen it and it never loaded the last part with team fortress. so i downloaded the file and am currently uploading it to youtube because i figure i can't be the only one who has problems with it... hopefully it won't piss anyone off...

here's 3 and 4 if anyone's interested:

i'd do the other two but they took a lot longer than i thought they would... and i have a test tomorrow and leaving on a 1000 mile roadtrip and i still need to study and pack the car ><

whoah apparently youtube links are automagically embedded now...
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