Amon Amarth Studio diary!

So when they record the guitars, they actually play through the amps in the sound room which is recorded by a microphone (and monitored through the speakers in the control room)?
Good stuff... interesting to hear about Oli's rig. I download all my music these days (legally, of course), so i miss out on all the liner notes, but doesn't Oli write most of the music?

At any rate, good to see they didn't succumb to any high-end, fancy-pants video production. I like the straightforward approach..

And...*ahem*.. i know someone who's not getting dessert tonite. ;)

I was interested in this as well. I know that Johan does the lyrics but who comes up with actual songs, I always thought it was a collaborative thing between Johan (guitar Johan), Olavi, and Ted. Then Hegg would comb over it and find what fits where and what to change.. I am probably wrong though.
The second episode of our studio diary is now up on MySpace. This time Olavi talks about his guitars and about the gear he uses during the recording. You can find the new episode at
I love that riff...sounds really good. Guitar tone sounds badass. Can't wait for more.
Which Duncans are you using? (I assume they're still Duncans). I need to look into a set.

So when they record the guitars, they actually play through the amps in the sound room which is recorded by a microphone (and monitored through the speakers in the control room)?
I think that's standard practice...avoids feedback from the pickups being too close to the amp.
I was interested in this as well. I know that Johan does the lyrics but who comes up with actual songs, I always thought it was a collaborative thing between Johan (guitar Johan), Olavi, and Ted. Then Hegg would comb over it and find what fits where and what to change.. I am probably wrong though.

I can tell you that collaborative writing is extremely difficult. On the other hand, writing without drums is also really hard...
As far as I know it's mainly Oli writing the music/main riffs with "quiet" Johan piching in here and there. Then the rest falls into place and gets re-defined/polished. I could be wrong.

I was interested in this as well. I know that Johan does the lyrics but who comes up with actual songs, I always thought it was a collaborative thing between Johan (guitar Johan), Olavi, and Ted. Then Hegg would comb over it and find what fits where and what to change.. I am probably wrong though.
Why do you always quote underneath your response?
Anyhow...I think you're right. But polishing often involves substantial re-writes in my experience. many Swedes does it take to fire up a BBQ grill?

Find out in episode 3 :D:

:yow: Coooool video! You see, finally, after two hours a couple of good shaped and good looking Swedish vikings have been able to burn up a barbecue :lol::lol::lol:, not bad!!!

By the way, what the hell is that thing that Johan H. throws on the barbecue? It seems that he wants to put out it instead of light it :lol:! What a couple of cooks :lol:!

Thanks AA, for sharing your studio diary with all of us, for being so funny in everything you do and for being so nice.
Afraid to see those boys with a tent! Or a STOVE, oh no..that's frightening.
*ducks and flees* Oh save me lord from the wrath of the norsemen! many Swedes does it take to fire up a BBQ grill?



Anyhow, that was fun. Nice bass, too.
Hoping for more music in the next studio diary.
LOL! Guys, next time do yourselves a favor, get some REAL charcoal, not that pressed sawdust and coal shit. Have no idea what they call it in Sweden, but here it's called lump, chunk or Swedish (go figure!) charcoal. Looks like chunks of burnt wood, lights, burns and makes the food taste much better, no nasty sulphur taste from the coal in the briquets.