

Prejudice Bastard
Apr 27, 2002
.... What's you guys' take on 'em?

Lately I am finding myself listening to them more and more. I can't get enough.
Shown me...

Just wondering if my fellow Opethians liked em too, if so what are your favorite albums/songs?
Of course, amorphis was a great band, though i have to say that i havent heard the last two releases. Somewhere along the line the stopped interesting me, bu ti still find the tales and the isthmus near-perfect albums.
I agree with Rogue
I didn't like principle of evil and karelian
but everything after those albums was just orgasmic
Amorphis owns me. i am in love with that band. i just can't get enough of them. ever. Elegy is definately my fav Amorphis album, but i enjoy the others very much too.
I dont care mutch for privilege and karelian ... tales is cool ... elegy is my fav ... i love tuonela and am universum ... and i'm expecting the new one will be a mix of all that extensive path that amorphis has drawned ... at least is what they say it will be and what i hope for


Killer song ... my fav from them
Karellian Isthmus is ok. Tales is great, Elegy is great, Tuonela is good. I haven't heard much of Am Universum. It doesn't interest me as much, but it seems good too. I'm really curious how the next will sound.
I think Elegy is my favorite album thus far. It has just got the best feel as a whole album. But my favorite song is Shatters Within off the Am Universum album. Tuonela is also really nice sounding, I like the acoustic reprise of My Kantele. *shrug*
inflamer said:
I dont care mutch for privilege and karelian ... tales is cool ... elegy is my fav ... i love tuonela and am universum ... and i'm expecting the new one will be a mix of all that extensive path that amorphis has drawned ... at least is what they say it will be and what i hope for


Killer song ... my fav from them

Yes, as i quoted in my originating post, that song is sweet. Probably my third favorite... Black Winter Day was the song that got me hooked though, so it takes second. I love the egyptian part at the begining of Greed. LOL. I remeber a discusion between a friend of mine nad myself about how all these great metal bands have songs that sound egyptian...
"Into the orchard I walk, peering way past the gate
Wilted scenes for us who couldn’t wait
Drained by the coldest caress, stalking shadows ahead
Halo of death, all I see is departure
Mourner’s lament, but it’s me who’s the martyr"

My favorite chorus ever... period...

But yeah that prechorus and the chorus rock.
ouagadougou said:
yup, Harvest's chorus is very good indeed, but my favorite must be Elegy or Moonlapse Vertigo.

Was this comment directly related to any of the previous posts (Jumping from Opeth to Amorphis to Opeth again), or are you just reading my mind!? :eek:

You pretty much managed to name my favourite songs/albums by my favourite bands in a single sentence........ you sca-we me lay-dee! :cry:

....On the other hand, it's nice to see that at least someone has some taste around here... :rolleyes:
Oh, yeah.........right.

I knew that. :oops:

Somehow I was mixing that chorus up with the one from The Funeral Portrait in me 'ead..... Silly me.

*Sigh* :/
Lately I have been listening to Am Universum more than once a day,and Grieve Stricken Heart is just so fabulous