Amp for rehearsal on a tight budget

I haven't read through all the answers, but I have a Bugera 333XL Infinium amp with the Bugera 4x12 cab, which I think works absolutely fine. Actually, I have had several bandmates that played with similar Bugera amps which all sound pretty fine to me. Got my amp/cab for about 700$.
Ended up with the Peavey JSX after some playing around. Sounded good to me. Will probably get an Engl as well. My next problem is what cab to buy though. Any suggestions?

Congrats mate.
I like that you're looking for a cheap option then say you'll probably get an Engl as well haha :p

As for a cab, be careful as the JSX can get a little fizzy on the ultra channel, so if you use that for rhythms don't go with a cheap cab. I run mine through a Framus Dragon cab and wouldn't recommend it if you can afford to avoid it, or anything in that range. Perhaps stick with Mesa, Marshal or Engl cabs for it.
Checking Engl cabs and was wondering about the difference between the V60 speakers vs. the V30 speakers? Can see that a lot of people prefer the V30´s, but is there a big difference? The ones with Celestion V30 are more expensive.
The V60 version sounds slightly smoother up high and isn't as strongly mid voiced apparently. I've heard some reports that the V60 version doesn't record as well.
I'm still tossing up between these two myself haha.
Congrats on the JSX!

Agree with Nebulous, the ENGL standard cabs sound somehwat scooped compared to the V30 ones. I am not sure that's only due to the speakers though, the construction (wood) is a little bit different as well.

The ENGL pro cabs sound good, i've played the 4x12s at shows a few times and used to own the horizontal 2x12. IMHO, I would say they are worth the price difference to the standard cabs.

Regarding ENGL vs Marshall, it's hard to say - I think both V30 cabs sound really good and really different. Sorry, can't help with that one ;-)