

Mar 28, 2004
Hi, I wanted to ask something about amps...maybe a couple of things.
I'm looking into getting another amp *because a 10 watt is just kinda small*
so I think I would like to get a head and cab. Ok, if I told you that I want an amp that will give me a good hard bottom sound but still supply me with like a mid - high sound for soloing n' stuff. *I've also heard that its good to get an amp that doesn't have too much bottom because you'll be competing for sound when you're playing with your band* so maybe thats why I want an amp that will give me an all around sound. So I want to know, any idea what I should look into getting? *I'm planning on spending like..mmmm $2000*
I mean so far from all the amps I've tried (Line 6, Marshall, Fender, Ibanez) I really like the Peavey XXX
but what about SWR, Riveria *is that how you spell it?*, VOX, Randall, Crate...what other amps should I look into trying?

Next question: Are there any amps similar to a Laney? and Orange? I can't find any of those in my area. And I can't special order because I would have to buy it.

and is it worth getting a tube amp as a second amp? I mean I know that you have to change the tubes, but does it really cost alot to get them replaced? Because I've heard that it can cost like $150 just to get the tubes and then you have to pay for labor. But yeah if you could answer please n' thank you.
Is there other kinds of maintenance that come along with getting a tube amp?
I have a tube amp and i never had to replace the tubes in it... My tube amp also sounds like shit though its a Sovtek MIG100 old Russian thing.... it doesnt sound to pretty...

Peavey XXX and the Peavey 5150 is good shit...

How much do you want to spend.
I'd look into Engl... I've got a Ritchie Blackmore and that baby rules... Head should cost like $1400 and the cab ( Engl standard 4x12 ) maybe $700 so it would be a little over budget but not too much and you'd get one hell of a sound... distortion is just amazing... it's a mean metal machine...
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tube amps are not really that hard to take care of. i have had my marshall for 2 years and have not replaced the tubes once. it all depends on how often you use them and how hard you drive them. if you are getting pure tube distortion (which sounds the best i.m.o.), your tubes aren't going to last you as long. plus, the 150 dollars would cover changing all of your tubes. pre-amp tubes are going to last you about 4 to 5 times as long as your power amp tubes. 50 watt amps usually have 2 power tubes and 100 watt amps have 4. those are not really that expensive. persnonally, i would choose a good tube amp. i don't know what kind of sound you are looking for so i can't really recommend a brand.
Thanks for tone I wanted something that will give me hard bottom but still give me a mid- high for soloing stuff. I really like the Peavey XXX, but other than that are there any other amps that I should look into getting?