An amp Just for the Sneapters!


May 11, 2009
Hey Guys, I was speaking with Catharsis yesterday and he suggested that you guys have been so supportive of what we're doing you should have your own computer amp...I agree totally with him..So we took Preampus-Distortus, made some modifications, improved the tubes, and increased the overall output volume. Plus we added some new filters that will enable you to sculpt your sound a little more..Heck we even put a hyper link in it to this forum!

So here it is and thanks for all your support!!!

This is now an UPDATED BETA version with the DRIVE AMP added. I am not really that happy with it thats why its a beta...You guys check it out and we'll try to hone it into something that you all want by concensus.

Here's the download link...
Hey Guys, I was speaking with Catharsis yesterday and he suggested that you guys have been so supportive of what we're doing you should have your own computer amp...I agree totally with him..So we took Preampus-Distortus, made some modifications, improved the tubes, and increased the overall output volume. Plus we added some new filters that will enable you to sculpt your sound a little more..Heck we even put a hyper link in it to this forum!

So here it is and thanks for all your support!!!

Here's the download link...

Incredible, you guys are sick :D One more plugin in the collection, thank you!

Now I am really depressed! :cry:


Mmmm can't wait to try this out on my NON-MAC PERSONAL COMPUTER!

.. haha, I'm usually not mean but I'm sick right now so I'm entitled to be a little mean cuz this day has sucked quite a bit!
Ha, thanks for giving us our own plugin!

i gave it a test run, and i have to say that by itself into a cab impulse, it's pretty lackluster.

BUT, if you load a secret plugin before it that only TRUE sneapsters know about, then you can get some cool metal tones out of it!
Of course it did, you live in Gävle.

Haha that was right in ma face yo! Why do you say that? Gävle is the best town in Sweden, I love it here! I wouldn't wanna be in any other place in the universe! There are so many musicians here to play and work with, there are so many jobs... oh my god, it's paradise.

Wait... damn, I forgot to turn off my sarcasm switch... *sigh*.

Yeah, Gävle sucks. What about up there?
Hmm Secret plugin eh? Too bad you guys didn't let me know what that was I would have built one into it..