An idea...Forum Vocal Competition....(ignore this if your going to bash me)

Good or Bad Idea...

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OnceSealedInBlood said:
Tyra, Johann Heggs sister is a yes....and you live close to me...i live in Toronto...

weren't you the one that said you've never been to a metal show? not to be rude but... have you been living under a rock in toronto??
DemonsAndLies666 said:
holy shit you just totaly owned him!

well it's true... i mean to average it out... there is probably a metal show in toronto every... 1 1/2 months... i know that it doesn't seem like a lot but it's enough to at least go to one...
most of these shows are at rather small venues...
the first time i saw amon amarth it was at this place called the kathedral and if you reached out you could've touched johan...
i came close to accidently punching satyr when i saw satyricon at the funhaus...
Babydollcybergoth said:
well it's true... i mean to average it out... there is probably a metal show in toronto every... 1 1/2 months... i know that it doesn't seem like a lot but it's enough to at least go to one...
most of these shows are at rather small venues...
the first time i saw amon amarth it was at this place called the kathedral and if you reached out you could've touched johan...
i came close to accidently punching satyr when i saw satyricon at the funhaus...

yeah, you see...thats a problem though...i'm 15...If i tell my parents that im going to see like satyricon or someone play...they will most likely say no...they have seen my CDs and they think theyre so screwed up and that im some sort of satanist...By the way, what metal shows have been here in the last month? Death metal...not like metallica or something....
iron_thunder said:
hey, OnceSealedInBlood I'm in Toronto too :)

... I like this 'growl-off' idea... Maybe I'll give it a shot ?!

Where abouts? Like around like Pickering or Richmond Hill? Vaughn? And if thats you in the avatar...thats 2 guys on the forum who scare the crap out of me...And cybergoth....where do I find out about the upcoming shows? I have no idea where to find that stuff out...and everyone else, dont say it...i know use the internet...but the internet is its hard to find...And need i remind, im a death metal head of 5 months...
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