An idea...Forum Vocal Competition....(ignore this if your going to bash me)

Good or Bad Idea...

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fuck shit
Jan 6, 2005
Ontario, Canada
The post says it all....Set up some sort of crappy website to upload vocals to...and then have a vote on here. Winner gets absolutely nothing....Just an idea....And in advance, calm down Feraliminal Lycanthropizer (sp).....
hey guys, i wanna be as democratic as possible about the whole mod thing, so PM me or just plain post your concerns directly and i'll consider them. I've deleted a bunch of advertising threads that i hope no one had to read, but i let some threads (i.e. the techno remix of victorious march thread) go, much to my chagrin because there was interest, or in anycase at least conversation on the subject. But seriously, talk to me about stuff that you think is lame, cool etc, I want this to be a fun place for all AA fans, not just a serious place but not a spam house either, so make your voices heard.
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