Anathema - not metal

"but also a large part of it is taken up with some classical music, jazz and a lot of solo guitarists."

" I am a fretboard wanker, ten years ago I would have been listening to yngie malmsteen" :lol:

all this and a chelsea fan too...oh dear, what a fukking tragedy

btw anyone who uses the term brutal death metal, should be euthanised. Like they have sections in shops with light and regular death metal, then a section for BRUTAL death metal where all the real *MEN* hang out. Thanks for the attempt at trolling kid, now fukk off back to your tennis club, you soft southern shandy drinker :D
Give it up U all pricks ! There's only one team : PSG !

BTW , @lepperifinity or something : what kinda anathema stuff do you wanna hear ? harder or softer ?
Originally posted by sol83
oh fuck. chelsea and man utd are the two teams i hate in england. i'm a liverpool fan. i really think you should get some british players man... i wonder how does the team communicate?

Liverpool have really fucked this season over....and to think i used to think they are a good team....BAH! :lol:
Originally posted by Bambi
"but also a large part of it is taken up with some classical music, jazz and a lot of solo guitarists."

" I am a fretboard wanker, ten years ago I would have been listening to yngie malmsteen" :lol:

all this and a chelsea fan too...oh dear, what a fukking tragedy

btw anyone who uses the term brutal death metal, should be euthanised. Like they have sections in shops with light and regular death metal, then a section for BRUTAL death metal where all the real *MEN* hang out. Thanks for the attempt at trolling kid, now fukk off back to your tennis club, you soft southern shandy drinker :D

:lol: @ Bambi, i have no idea what your post is supposed to mean, i like all forms of metal, all fucking forms of it....what the fuck is '" I am a fretboard wanker, ten years ago I would have been listening to yngie malmsteen" supposed to mean...and yeah i am a fretboard give you a shredding contest anyday you fucking scum, i have a fucking huge taste in music....i fucking own you!...and dont say otherwise.
bambi kicks your ass anytime.
btw good you're proud to be a wanker. this shows you're serious about it.
wanker :mad:
well then you dont have the right to pee on Liverpool eh. and Panathinaikos.
btw be glad moody is banned. he would spam you with porn.
Originally posted by Mariner
well then you dont have the right to pee on Liverpool eh. and Panathinaikos.
btw be glad moody is banned. he would spam you with porn.

HAHAHAHAHA DAMN, i enjoy being spammed with porn...of all types....anyway if he did that i would virus his ass.
Originally posted by leper iffinity
:lol: @ Bambi, i have no idea what your post is supposed to mean, i like all forms of metal, all fucking forms of it....what the fuck is '" I am a fretboard wanker, ten years ago I would have been listening to yngie malmsteen" supposed to mean...and yeah i am a fretboard give you a shredding contest anyday you fucking scum, i have a fucking huge taste in music....i fucking own you!...and dont say otherwise.

hello there. listen,
you dont own bambi! opeth certainly dont own me or our band. you can give me a shredding contest any day you like. and i'll play one note for 2 minutes...ok?
calling people scum isnt nice either is it? bambi's alright by all accounts. he's irish and not some arrogant southern england ignorant twat with no sense of humour.
not that you are either you understand...