We're fucked... I am actually ashamed to be a part of a generation that voted these cock sucking pieces of shit in DC into office.
So, everyone gets health care. Nice. Let's give everyone housing too, AND a car.
they didn't put in a universal/public option uke:
basically all adults will be required to have health insurance...if you don't have it, they fine you - presumably on your taxes or something
OTOH, those who make less than i think $80k/yr. will get some sort of subsidy to counteract being required to pay a premium
i think it also expands some medicair/medicaid coverage, and also prevents insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions
of course they could have changed a bunch of it since the last time i really checked into it, but i do know for a fact that there is NO universal health care plan in this bill!
shit the congressmen who vote on legislation never read any of it
you think those dudes have time to sit and pore over 10,000+ page bills?
they have aides who read the shit for them, and condense it down to a 1-2 pg. summary
this is why this country is so fucked...language gets inserted into these laws that nobody ever even realizes is there, aside from the special interest groups and corporations who pay to have said language introduced
Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't mandating healthcare drive the prices down? (basically like one big group buy)
Not when Dr.'s start refusing patience with this plan - it's already happening in certain states with their Medicaid programs.