...and America reformed health care.

And just to put things into perspective... as if the government hasn't fucked up our economy enough, the healthcare system accounts for ONE SIXTH of our country's economy.

Our government simply has way too much power over our lives, and this bill gives them EVEN MORE power.
Still leaves 13 million uninsured, and the bill doesn't take affect until 2014, anyways.

What, you actually think you're not paying for other peoples health care as is? Start bitching about the 15% of the GDP that goes to it already, if anything.

Or get your friends/family/self off their collective asses and get to the polls in November, barely 35% of eligible voters actually take part in the elections that decide this kind of shit.
You keep saying that but you don't actually cite anything specific - care to elaborate? I've written 3 papers this quarter alone on health care reform and the bill, I'm curious as to what your big gripes with it are.

We need reform, period - anyone denying that is either, as my buddy Rahm would say, fucking retarded or just not aware of the current situation our less-than-stellar health care system is in. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, definitely isn't a long term solution, but I'm glad it's out of that sorry shit excuse for a legislative body we have right now.
In Finland we have free healthcare (Well, 13€ I believe for any issue...)...

How dare poor people get sick!

Healthcare should be a human right, not a privilidge,
So what does this mean? I'm hearing conflicting things all over the place.

I'm uninsured currently and don't see myself getting insurance anytime in the foreseeable future.
In germany we have healthcare for free too (ok it is like 10€ every quarter of the year if you need to go to a doc)
Then we have private healthcare for xxxx €

I thought the new-healthcare in the US will help a lot of people. Dont think this will fuck your economy more then it is.
Thanks goes out to all the Hatch-founds ;)

When people get fit they can work, they pay taxes, state gets money, economy gets up.
Also I must say (and some americans will hate me for that) what I saw on BBC and the german news, your "free-healthcare" for people with no money looks like political-refugee-bearings.
So better spend some money (which realy doesnt exsist, it is just a red number on a paper) to get some western-civilization...

Every fucking country is broke (besides Switzerland and Lichtenstein maybe) so I give a fuck about that. Giving people some social service is IMO much more important then getting some fictive red-numbers into black-numbers....
In germany we have healthcare for free too (ok it is like 10€ every quarter of the year if you need to go to a doc)
Then we have private healthcare for xxxx €

Last time I checked people pay for their healthcare directly from their salary here :) and you can also be uninsured. I know, cause I was uninsured for a few months when changing from public to private healthcare a while back.
Also I must say (and some americans will hate me for that) what I saw on BBC and the german news, your "free-healthcare" for people with no money looks like political-refugee-bearings.
So better spend some money (which realy doesnt exsist, it is just a red number on a paper) to get some western-civilization...

Every fucking country is broke (besides Switzerland and Lichtenstein maybe) so I give a fuck about that. Giving people some social service is IMO much more important then getting some fictive red-numbers into black-numbers....

Yeah if you working free you have to pay tons of money for the standart healthcare. If you are employed it is some cash but ok.
If you are broke big-brother is paying....

Biggest problem in germany is the taxes. If you freelance or have your own business you have to pay way to much.
Because the gouverment only sees the money that comes in, not the money you have to pay
There comes a point where its not longer about health care, but our rights as US citizens and the wrong doing being done on capital hill. While healthcare is NOT a natural born right, it is a service that if provided to everyone would provide a better standard of living for our country. However we have idiots with personal interests running a muck in our capital who can't give us these services without completely stripping us of our rights and placing more power in their hands.

Fuck healthcare we have bigger issues to worry about, the current state of things are just pure bad for example:
