...and America reformed health care.

^^^ Sounds a bit like some of the premise for the move (and musical before it) "Repo Men"

I just watched that yesterday! For those who don't know: global epidemic of organ failures, new company emerges producing replacement organs at high cost, but with the option of a payment plan if you can't afford. If you don't keep up with your payments, the repo man repossess your organs :)

includes: actual plot, inside an opera, inside an opera
Great article:


Two myths must be shattered. First, the choice is not between this phony reform and the status quo. The "reform" merely puts makeup on the status quo. The free market is the real alternative.

Second, the free market couldn't have created the medical mess because there has been no free market in medicine. For generations government has colluded with the medical profession and the insurance industry to force-feed us the system we have today.

*insert rage reaction picture*
:lol: +1.

Just remember man, if you don't love Obama then you must be a racist or love Bush/Limbaugh/Beck. Got to love that argument.

i never said that to disagree with healthcare reform is to "love" anyone... but it IS, whether you like it or not, to agree with the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck on the subject. tough tits.... if you are against healthcare reform, then you agree with those two loonies on that particular issue, so you've at least tasted the Kool-Aid.

ohs noes!!! healthcares willz killz us allz!!!
