And it only gets better...



Visited the show in Malmö last night and i must say, it was much tighter then in Gothenburg friday night.
Warrel seems to have catched a cold, Warrel, take good care of that cold and get well. After a few songs his singing capabilities was on top again.
A few changes in the setlist was made since friday, no the learning, engines of hate was played instead
But still NO song from DNB :(
The set was built up around DHIADW more or less...
I envy you guys down i Europe who will have the possibility to see Nevermore in better venues...
BTW Hoodies was sold out already in Stockholm on sunday...
Damned i missed to pick one up on friday in gothenburg DAMNED
( And Warrel... This is your second visit in Sweden, not the first, you where here back in 1997 with Iced Earth & Lions Share in Falkenberg...
I saw you back then also... )
Know where to order NEW nevermore merchandise online?

I could wait for the show in toronto, it's near the start of that tour, so nothing should be sold out for me at that time.

I'd just rather purchase prior to the show, using credit cards is easier then carrying dickloads of cash to a concert, for anything other then beer that is.

Just curious, I have looked around briefly but found nothing.