Angel Of Retribution.

Glad you enjoyed it, Paxo, My Good Man!
Although I'm not that familiar with much of The Scorpians catalogue, I think they've donw their reputation a power of good by supporting Priest! I've hear nothing but praise for them!
I was also wearing my 'Lionheart' T-shirt, but I didn't get any comments from it. It was good to see a couple of other LH shirt wearers lurking around, as well!#

Valanx - no word of your Priest Gig yet?
Yeah, Paxo! You could be right!
I could barely walk the next day! Also, I think I lost a stone in weight during that gig, simply by sweating my ass off!
Let's all wish Valanx a speedy recovery!
Come on, Mate - we need to know what you thought of it!

It's cool to hear that The Scorpians have earned alot of positve feedback. As I've said before, I've never been a huge fan - but really don't know much of their material. There was one song that I thought was well-cool, though. It was an instrumental.
Paxo - Are they worth checking out? To be honest, all I knew about them was that bloody 'Wind Of Change' song! And you can see what the credibility of that is by its total absence in their set-list!
I'm willing to give anything a shot before making a choice - is there like a decent compilation I can get or something?
Hey Nightwar,

I can help with this..
The ONLY Scorpions Anthology you need to buy is called Scorpions-Deadly Sting:The Mercury Years. It's a Double C.d. but worth every penny. There isn't a single skipper on the whole thing. It starts with the Love Drive album (1979 I think) and goes all the way to Face the Heat (1993). Everything in between is pure gold. That should be all you need. You can probably find it at for very cheap.

Hey - Cheers, Jugulator 2!
That sounds like the exact thing I need! Double CD, compilation, a nice broad range through time!
I love discovering new music, especially when I missed out on it from years ago!
I will get and order it - like you said, Amazon or, CDWow etc will have it for a great price!
Just make sure you get some commision from the sale, eh!!
I will let you know what I think of it.
I think im just about fully recovered now!!! lol

I really dont know what to say!!!, i waited 15 years to see the classic lineup of priest, i kept the faith all those years and i feel i was rewarded, i was blown away! The setlist had some really interesting choices, i never thought i would ever hear priest playing "hot rockin'" !!! and having always loved "im a rocker"
i was delighted that this was included also!!

Anyway here are a few of my feelings on some of the songs:


I always thought this was the only weak track on AOR
but this song was awesome live, Ian played the intro
with a spotlight on him which looked really cool
during the song Rob placed white flags with the
Judas symbol on them at each end of the stage
whist singing "Here Comes the Revolution"
This a Was really awesome thing to witness.

"Judas Rising" and "Deal with the Devil"
These songs sounded great, very heavy and
fitted into the setlist with the older stuff

This was very very Heavy, i went fucking
mental while this song played, a woman
next to me commented to me "You are blown away!"

"Turbo Lover"
This great tune, It sounded so heavy live!!!
i dont know how but it was so heavy - awesome!!!

Having never heard a live version i have
really liked, when i saw priest with ripper
it was upsetting to here this song destroyed!
This time..i was amazed... this song
was faster and heavier than anything i
have ever witnessed... Robs vocals
stripped the flesh from my bones and scotts
drums pounded my carcass into the
dust, guitars and bass were the acompanying
aural ritual to this brutal experience.

"Another thing Coming"
Crowd interaction before and during this
classic was a wonderfull thing to be part
of.. A paxoman said there was not a great
deal of interaction (i did not really mind!)
but it was great and so was singing along to
living after midnight!

The scorpions did a bloody great job as well
they had alot of energy.
Paxoman said:
He is probably still recovering Nightwar! :lol: I was a bit worn out after the Scorpions set, then remembered I hadn't even seen the main band yet!

Lol yeah we were the same, the scorpions delivered a great set of
songs (most of which i did'nt know) i was quite impressed by the
energy and effort they put in.

When Rob was doing the "oh yeah" rountine before Another thing comin'
i thought i was going to keel over!

Hoping so much that saxon are able to resume touring at some point.....
Valanx - Glad you survived mate!

Nightwar - Your question about Scorpions material to try has been answered by other people. Everything mentioned is cracking, so you can't really go wrong. The albums Love Drive-Face The Heat are very good albums (I haven't actually heard Face The Heat but read somewhere that was probably Scorpions last good album), but everything since then has been a bit ropey (which would explain Scorpions decline in popularity). This would explain why Deadly Sting is a great compilation album!

Oh by the way Nightwar, the Scorpions did actually play Winds Of Change when we went to see them! I noticed from the setlist that DirtySanchez posted that it wasn't included, which I was thought was strange. But we were lucky/unlucky (delete as appropriate!!!) to have it included at Manchester.
Thanks for all the scorp info, chaps - much appreciated! Although I didn't know the songs, I think what the band actually did during their set was what won me over. It's an element that alot of bands seem to have forgotten these day - the element of having fun and enjoying yourselves! After all, that is what Rock 'n Roll is all about!!
Paxo - yeah, there was no 'Wind Of Change' at Birmingham. I would've recognised that one!
Valanx, my Good Man! Good to see that you have recovered! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Mate!
Thanks for the review - I agree with it all. Espicially what you've got to say about the new tracks. The actual 'Angel' album has been growing on me all the time, but I think the gig itself forced me to realise just how good 'Revolution', 'Deal With The Devil' and 'Hellrider' is! I honestly think this album will get the respect it deserves as time goes by.
By the way, I forgot to mention, Glenn's solo guitar piece during the gig was bloody excellent. It wasn't about him stunning us all with his ability - he can do that during the songs - it was about how he got the audience involved with one, single repetitive riff. It was real good fun!
I was wondering whether this was a spontaneous thing on the night I saw them, or did he do something similiar to you guys that went to the other gigs? Just thought I would mention it, as it was at about that time I felt (like Valanx) that I was going to keel over!!
Nightwar - Yeah the same sort of thing happened at Manchester with the guitar solo.

I think the highlight for me was coming back from the bar just in time to raise my beer in the air and sing along to the big finish in Diamonds And Rust! Great stuff!
Paxoman said:
I think the highlight for me was coming back from the bar just in time to raise my beer in the air and sing along to the big finish in Diamonds And Rust! Great stuff!

I also had a glass of (warm) beer held high at the moment mate !! I had my sister go the bar each time i needed a beer during priests set! Southern comfort in one hand, carling in the other and somehow both hands in the air lol !!
If anyone didn't enjoy the Priest/Scorps gig at Manchester then it's time to give up and go watch Bryan Adams. Rob Halford has NEVER been a Dave Lee Roth type front man so what were you expecting? A few dodgy lights aside the gig was awesome! Beyond the Realms of Death is still the best song - EVER! Hopefully it will bring the Scorps back as headliners. It's all good!
bert said:
...Beyond the Realms of Death is still the best song - EVER! Hopefully it will bring the Scorps back as headliners...

How can that classic Judas Priest tune bring back the scorpions as headliners?
.....oh and, who the hell is bryan adams ???
Valanx, I do believe that you're being sarcastic, mate!
But, yeah - who the fuck is Bryan Adams!!?? LOL!

Seriously, though - Bert: I completely agree with you on the frontman issue. People like Roth, Mercury etc are showmen in another sense. The cool thing about Rob Halford is that he is so 'Far Out There' if you know what I mean? The guy lives on another planet! Just look at the clothes he wears whilst performing! That is part of the intrigue you have for him as an artist. For example, he pretends that he only realised that an audience were watching when he took off his sunglasses - this made him jump with fright! And, also, when he sometimes talks, it is with a hugely put-on American accent and then, the next second, he sounds like a Brummie! This is what makes the guy a great performer to watch - he is pure pantomine!
bert said:
Taken out of context but what the hell! It never stopped you! :grin:

:) .....can that Priest bring back head? ....... lol

......I know i never get any when i play Priest....Type o Negative seems to get her in the mood though !!!