Angel Of Retribution.

Too right - the album seems to get better and better after each lesson. I think there are going to be four or five classics on there as time goes by!

Welcome aboard, Lizzie! If you want to chat about anything Rock or Metal related, just let us know!!!
lizzie said:
yeah, I love metal, will talk about any metal bands. So many pages on here may get in wrong one lol

the preist gig was awesome

Where did you see The Priest Lizzie? The Manchester gig i went to was mindblowing !!! Really loud, very heavy, great setlist, awesome performance!

nightwar said:
Too right - the album seems to get better and better after each lesson. I think there are going to be four or five classics on there as time goes by!

Welcome aboard, Lizzie! If you want to chat about anything Rock or Metal related, just let us know!!!

I must admit that the album certainly has grown on me. I didn't rate it that much on first listen, but it is one of those albums that does grow on you. However, Lochness.............I stand by my original comments, a bloody ridiculous song!
I've been a diehard Priest fan since Ram it Down. AOR is definitely a grower and has probably 5 or 6 classics on it (Judas Rising, Deal with the Devil, Demonizer, Hellrider, Wheels of Fire, Angel and Eulogy). "Worth Fighting For" took a while to grow on me and I still really don't care for "Revolution". As an anthem it's allright, but Rob hits a sour note or two on the track and it kind of ruined it for me. I don't think Ian's bass lines at the beginning of the song are all that spectacular either. As far as "Lochness" It might be an allright track, but I usually take the c.d. out after "Eulogy" which is where I think the band should have ended the album. Much like "The Knights of the 21st Century" on Hammerfall's latest opus, it's just a little too self-indulgent for me.
Mr Jug 2 - Some nice comments. I agree with most of what you say. Having 5-6 potential classics on one album is good going and indicates that AOR is a stronger album than many of us at first thought!
'Revolution' took a long time to grown on me and I still don't think it's going to be a longstanding Priest favourite. But it's a great live song and provides a new insight into how Priest can sound. It certainly sounds different for Priest, yet unlike anything else!
'Worth Fighting For' is a definate grower - a personal favourite of mine and a worthy contender for AOR's next single! Again, it isn't exactly a 'Priest' song, but it is a bloody good Rock song - well written and performed.
'Lochness'? well... I'm in agreement with most of the other comments. I've had time to get used to it, and I do like it. The music is well structured and written and there is energy within the performances. But, quite frankly, I just can't relate to the lyrics! They completely ruin it for me! I'm English and have been brought up with the 'Lochness' legend and, to be honest, none of us Brits take it seriously!
As previously discussed with my good man, Valanx, I have no problem with the song being on there, but it should have been halved in play time to make way for another track. It just seems to be an unworthy way of concluding a superb come-back album!
But, then again, this is just my opinion.
But, to summarise, AOR is a bloody great album! I just hope that Rob H and Co have a couple more albums under their belt for us!
It is funny how different people see (or rather hear!) songs differently. To me, 'Worth Fighting For' was the one track that stood out for me straight away. Mind you, I have always liked that kind of melodic rock song, and JP tend to do that kind of song very well. 'Angel' and 'Eulogy' are two other songs that I really like on AOR. But the more heavy 'Judas Rising' and 'Hellrider' are great tracks too. So for me, AOR is a good mixture of songs.

It has been said before, the best albums are the ones that grow on you. The albums that you love straight away, for some reason, seem to be the ones that fall to the way side. Funny that!
Wise words indeed paxoman!

Im just about done telling ppl how much i love the CD, i just had the Priest symbol tatoo'd on my arm, i show em that instead lol !

Oh yeah do any of you guys know the bootleg site called ?
There is a Priest show up from feb of this year, its a DVD so its taking for
ever!!! but i cant wait to get my paws on it and relive some memories!!!

Ive never seen any Saxon stuff on there but ive had some bloody good Priest
shows from them
Valanx - A Tatoo, eh?

Cool... maybe the start of a new thread, perhaps? Photos of forum members' tatoos and the like?!!

As a kid, I was brought up with the distinct impression that a punishment issued by God would be directed upon me if I ever had a tatoo so my skin is unblemished!!
Paxoman - HA! I'd hate to be the lady that goes home with you one night because she thinks your a Naval Marine!! As soon as the action gets going - KaBham!! And she is greeted with a famous Concert Hall!
If any of these ladies are offended by this entrapment of yours, please direct them to my home address, OK?
nightwar said:
Paxoman - HA! I'd hate to be the lady that goes home with you one night because she thinks your a Naval Marine!! As soon as the action gets going - KaBham!! And she is greeted with a famous Concert Hall!
If any of these ladies are offended by this entrapment of yours, please direct them to my home address, OK?

Well, he'd better direct them to your house straight away - they aint sleeping in MY bed! :lol: Yep, I'm the "lady" that Paxoman comes home to! :grin:
Just for the record, he has indeed got a concert hall tatooed on his knob :blush: says M E N (when it's erect!), but only in very small print :lol: (That's short for the Manchester Evening News Arena, for those who don't know)
Sammi -
My sympathies go your way for having to put up with Paxoman - you've got quite a task there! I hope you keep him in order and on the straight and narrow! Did you bollock him for bragging?
It's cool to hear that we've a proper 'couple' of Rockers on the Forum!
Mind you, Paxo - 'Manchester Evening News' ain't quite as Rock 'n' Roll as 'Hammersmith' is it?
And are you sure that is what the letters stand for? I'd be really worried if I found a MAN on my todger!
I'm joking of course... aren't I...?

Seriously, there has to be a decent story to tell about the origin of that tattoo. Come on, Paxo, dish it out!!

Thanks, Sammi and once again, I send you my most sincere sympathies. Any lady that has to put up with a Saxon fan, as a partner, has to be a very special - and patient - person!
nightwar said:
... Any lady that has to put up with a Saxon fan, as a partner, has to be a very special - and patient - person!

Yeah, i get that line from very own girlfriend quite often enough!!!