nightwar said:Jugulator looks like an image off an 8-Bit computer!
Fingers said:I quite enjoyed the Ripper years, he was quite a character (Pax you were @ the Brixton gig that Saxon did with them weren't you? How can anyone forget the moment he span the mike round like it was a golf club, knocking one off ooh err the first tee, CLASSIC!)
And I look forward to seeing him over hear with Iced Earth one day hopefully please pretty please !
midnightrider said:While we are on the subject of the Priest,what did everybody think of the cover Saxon did of You've got another thing coming on the Judas Priest tribute album.I thought they done a good job of it.
nightwar said:You've gotta tell me more about this, cos I don't get it and it sounds like it was pretty funny! wAS It A Spinal Tap moment of something?
princess_of_the_night2112 said:Wow what a concert that was indeed. Was never really a big Priest fan and basically went to see The Scorps cos I'd been fan for years and had never seen them before. Scorps were fantastic, best song of the night from the Scorps had to be The Zoo - superb stuff - also Rock You Like A Hurricane. I was right at the front of the barrier and it was rockin. Only 2 bad things about their performance, firstly it wasn't nearly loud enough and secondly they played the Godawful Winds of Change (sorry if any of youse like it) but I was really hoping to hear a wee bit of In Trance, Pictured Life, Fly to the Rainbow etc. Still they put on a great performance.
Hells bells, I could not get over how sensational Priest were. They totally cranked it up bigtime. They were so heavy, powerful and loud - totally unbelievable. Halford's voice was sensational, he was just amazing. BTROD, Green Manaleshi, Victim of Changes and You've Got Another Thing Coming were my favs. Even the 2 songs which I'm not really that keen on, Living After Midnight and Breaking The Law - they sounded brill as well. Judas is Rising, Revolution and Deal with the Devil they were fantastic as well. All in all, a totally AWESOME concert.
Paxoman said:So you kind of liked it then?!!
Saw it on said:Thats interesting news midnightrider, do have any links about this???
And in referance to what princess of the night was saying, a friend who came along with us to see them wasnt really a Priest fan at all and he was blown away!
NIGHTWAR!!!! - did you get my email about the info on that dvd of the Birmingham NEC gig you went to ??? Just wondered! Should finish downloading in a few days anyway! bloody 4.7gb!!
valanx said:Fingers im curious, what is the glorious burden album like? i read kinda mixed reviews a while back... Im not a big Iced Earth fan or anything but i loved that song 'Melancholy' and some of the earlier stuff was ok. How many singers has that band had 2 or 3?
I myself have only ever head Ripper singing 'When the Eagle Cries' from the glorious burden, i found great amusement in the mega cheesed up video and the childlike lyrics....
"How could they....They will pay"
Fingers said:Valanx its a great "Power Metal" album, well worth a listen (very historical lyrics, American civil war etc.). It's the first album of theirs I've bought. Yeah they've had a few singers. The guys who's band it is (Jon Schaffer) reminds me of Jeff Waters from Annihilator, as he seems to do everything, nearly all the song writing etc.
With regards cover songs Arch Enemy have covered some cracking tracks on their Wages of Sin album.
Starbreaker - Priest
Aces High - Maiden
Scream of Anger - Europe (for F**s sakes)
Check them out if you haven't already.![]()