Angel Of Retribution.

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Heeheehee just a bit. When I said I wasn't a huge Priest fan, that was kinda an understatement, cos I was never really that keen on them, I don't know why just never really took to them, although I did hear plenty of their stuff, but just couldn't get into them. Anyway I met my cousin at the Whitesnake concert and he asked if I was going to see Priest and I said nope cos I didn't really like them much. And he said to me "No you will be going when you hear who the Special Guests are". As soon as he said The Scorps I was speechless and got onto SECC website following morning and got my tickets.

I would probably say that was my 4th best concert ever. Best being Rush 30th anniversary tour, 2nd favourite was Budgie at the Renfrew Ferry in November there, Saxon at King Tuts in October and 4th the Priest/Scorps gig.

Yeah I know what you mean. I was at one of the Manchester gigs and it was a fantastic gig. Definitely one of the best gigs I have ever been too.
Paxoman said:
Yeah I know what you mean. I was at one of the Manchester gigs and it was a fantastic gig. Definitely one of the best gigs I have ever been too.

That was the same gig as i was at paxoman right? 22nd march ??

Was Fookin Awesome! Im still in shock from the experience!
You seen the Birmingham DVD yet Nightwar?? I'd be interested in your persepective having been there and then seeing it...
Valanx -
Received the DVD yesterday, Mate.
I will send a private email of Thanks and stuff on Hotmail, ok?
You are One in a Million, my Good Man!!!

As I've probably told you, I'm moving home very shortly so - along with work - spare time has been hard to come by. I will be checking out the DVD this weekend, though!
Judging by where the camera is - I sneaked a few minutes!! - I'm hoping to catch a glance of myself!! There are also some things that happened on stage that night that will definately bring it all back home to me!
btw - like you previously said, the sound quality does seem to be great quality!

Cheers, Mate - speak to you via email over the weekend, ok?
As to my impression on the new Priest album, well I bought it in the week it was released. My opinion: I simply LOVED IT!!!!! When I heard AOR for the first time, I felt younger. :-) Yeah, I remembered my 20's, when I bought the Screaming and Defenders albums, the gold age of Metal, the 1980's! I think this album is in the school of Screaming / Defenders, that's why I loved it.
The lyrics are OK, but the singing, the guitars, the bass and the drums are PERFECT. I rate AOR 10 out of 10!!!! The guitar duels are fantastic, like in the good old days, and Rob's voice is superb as always. All songs are great. In the ballad "Angel", Rob sings which such a feeling, that one can even cry by hearing that song. Amazing.
That's a new CLASSICAL Priest album. I liked a lot Jugulator and Demolition, as much as I loved Rob's solo stuff, but none of those works could be compared to AOR, in my opinion. I can compare AOR to Screaming or Defenders or Painkiller or any other classic album. The Priest is back!!!! I'm counting the days to see them in Brasil in their world tour!!!! Since I bought AOR, I listened to it more than 100 times!!!!!! :Spin: :cool:
Thats awesome "Heart of a Lion" my metal brother!! you love the album as much as i do! It is and forever will be a classical moment in pure metal history!!! And when you see them! they will blow you away when they play "Judas Rising" "Revolution" "Deal with the devil" and the immortal "Hellrider"

Nice review, Mr Lion!
Like Valanx said, The Priest are going to amaze you when you see them live! All the new tracks are fantastic live, but espicially 'Revolution' - although this has not seemed to be a favourite from the album, it seems to work twice as well live!
Thanks to my good mate, Valanx, I re-experienced the Priest gig I went to at Birmingham earlier in the year. It brought back so many memories - such as the live success of 'Revolution'. It also reminded me of the one certain track - 'I'm a rocker'. This had never been a favourite of mine (much like the entire Ram It Down album) but I was so surprised when Priest played it and even more shocked with how great it was! You can tell Rob H really loved performing that one - and I've been having the darned tune going around my brain since watching Valance's DVD!!
Overall the AOR tour is bloody amazing and you're gonna love it, Mr Lion!!
Heart Of A Lion said:
As to my impression on the new Priest album, well I bought it in the week it was released. My opinion: I simply LOVED IT!!!!!

That what I thought as well Mr. Lion when I listened to AOR for the first time. I was just totally blown away by how superb Priest sounded. AOR is Preist as its best I think. I simply love every song, especially Judas is Rising and Revolution. When you see them, you'll end up thinking that it will be one of the best concerts of your life - The Scorps were fantastic as well but Priest rocked Glasgow into the ground so they did. I'd seen the setlist before the gig and there was only 2 songs which I'm not that keen on, Living After Midnight and Breaking the Law, always thought they sounded a big naff but I'm not joking, even they sounded amazing live. It was a great night indeed. Finishing up with You've Got Another Thing Coming was awesome, cos that's probably one of my fav Priest songs. In fact, I'm going to stick some Priest on right nooo.
I totally agree the guy did a great job, if it was not for Ripper, Halford may have had no Priest to return to. I was at the Brixton gig also and it was shit hot!

Sorry guys messed up i was responding to Paxomans post No 125, been drinking i'll come back when sober. :loco:
No probs, Saxonized - you're right; Ripper may have had his critics, but he kept Priest afloat with some decent material whilst the Metal God awaited his 2nd coming!
Your Royal Highness - like Mr Paxo, I can't agree with you on 'Living After Midnight' and 'Breaking The Law'. As well as classic NWOBHM, they are fantastic pop songs. They are so well written, that if Priest would have provided them for a 'popular' artist of the time, they'd have been a Number One without question - a little like '747' by Saxon. They were just simply brilliantly written songs!
Also, the lyrics of those songs mean so much to me in a fun kind of way - they are so Rock 'n Roll!!
But I think I know where you're coming from with this, Your Royal Highness - could it be like Queen and Bo Rhap and the complete boredom that the two induce to hard-core fans!
Paxoman said:
Sounded a bit naff?!!!! Those two songs are classic NWOBHM!

Ok I'll rephrase it then, those 2 songs are about the only 2 classic NWOBHM songs that I don't really like. Think I said this before I was never really a big Priest fan and over the years have heard lots of their stuff but there were plenty of other bands which rocked my boat far more than Priest. However I have to admit they were mindblowing in concert and I'm right into them now, which is cool. Living after Midnight and Breaking the Law I dunno I still canny get into those songs, they sounded awesome when they played them at the SECC, so maybe they don't sound naff but cheesey then is that a better word. They play those 2 songs quite a lot on my fav radio station, planetrock, and still I'm afraid they don't do anything for me which is strange really considering I am also the Princess of NWOBHM.
nightwar said:
But I think I know where you're coming from with this, Your Royal Highness - could it be like Queen and Bo Rhap and the complete boredom that the two induce to hard-core fans!

I'll tell you the truth about Bore Rhap - yip I utterly detest that song. I quite like a lot of Queen songs but I've always hated that one. I would say that's my second most hated rock song, there's one I hate far more than that but I'm too scared to say in case there's lots of fans of the band on here and I get a big row!!!!!!! LOL. Ok I'm going to open a bottle of wine and you know how that loosens the tongue, so I might come back on and tell youse. Oh it's not Europe's Final Countdown, right enough that's just as bad as it.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Ok I'm going to open a bottle of wine and you know how that loosens the tongue, so I might come back on and tell youse. Oh it's not Europe's Final Countdown, right enough that's just as bad as it.

It can't possibly be as bad as 'Final Countdown'!!!

As for 'Living After Midnight' and 'Breaking The Law'. Well the video for 'Breaking The Law is pure cheese, very mature cheese!!!
Paxoman said:
It can't possibly be as bad as 'Final Countdown'!!!

LOL I know that song is just sooooooooooo bad it should have been banned!!! The song I hate more than that is a Skynyrd song and you're probably a huge fan Paxo, so if I tell you, promise me you won't shout at me. Ok I might as well tell you all now, it's SWEET HOME ALABAMA. Oh how I loathe that song. And yet Freebird is a total masterpiece and definitely in my top ten fav songs of all time.
Just seeing the words "The Final Countdown" instantly brought a smile to my face! I had the displeasure of seeing that video again a few weeks back! For the first 2 minutes or so i was so embaressed!!! Then i was so relieved that at least i was not in it!?!?! (I was spanner'd as per!)

For the rest of the video i was rather sickened by those guys so confident in thier cheesedupness! I was quite embaressed and sad for them! Funny though, the guitar solo isnt too bad in that tune!

Anyone heard the "Norther" cover version of final countdown??? Its pretty cool, makes the song bearable when it has black metal style vocals :)

As for Skynyrd, every time i hear "Sweet Home" which, is not often!!! it reminds me of the start of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake...Its great knowing all that murderous carnage is to come for them whilst on thier way to a Skynyrd concert lol.

Killed by chainsaw wielding maniac or go to a Skynyrd concert.....Now thats a tough one!!!!