Angel Of Retribution.

Nightwar, ive heard the gig you were at (NEC on the 19th right?) was filmed for possible dvd release!! Awesome huh!

JUDAS PRIEST's March 19 homecoming concert at the NEC in Birmingham, England featured special effects that were conspicuously absent from the other dates on the group's current European tour. Speaking to Kerrang! magazine PRIEST singer Rob Halford explained, "We brought in pyro and video screens just for this show. We also filmed the show, perhaps for a DVD release. We'd like to take the pyro everywhere, but there's so many restrictions and laws these days. On this ocassion, we slipped the local fire chief a fiver, gave him a pint and a packet of crisps."
Paxo: about the tattoo - yeah I know, but because it is so "un-Rock 'n' Roll" it makes it very "Rock 'n' Roll", if you know what I mean? It is kind of cool in its own way!!

Valanx - Bloody Hell! Cheers for teh Priest update, Mate!
That is most definately the night I went and it all makes sense!
Regarding the Pyro - yeah, there was alot of it. During the gig (I can't recall which song) I have a memory of Glenn Tipton tapping Rob H on the shoulder, at the end of a song, to remind him to stand back when a huge explosion went off! I think Rob was ok about all of this (he was safe enough where he was, I think), but at the time I did wonder what gave Glenn the doubt to remind the Metal God, himself, about the Pyro stuff! Of course, this all now makes sense!
There was quite a bit of Pyro, but I simply thought it was the usual thing for the tour. Although, with my current occupation, I was aware that there must've been huge amounts of Health & Safety stuff to get through in order to action it!

I just hope that I can be seen on the DVD - I was near the front, but more importantly, I was making the most noise and movement! So, I've gotta be there on screen!!

Valanx - thanks for this! Have you got a link to where you obtained this info?
Ok mate firstly here is the link
Video screens too eh??

Ive seen that exact news item in several places.

When i saw them in manchester on the 22nd there was no real pyro stuff to speak of...the only smoking was Priest themselves....Smoking the competition!

What an awesome thing it would be if it does get a release and your on it fella ! you can only imagine how much envy i have for you about that lol !

What you said about glenns reaction there....he must of forgot for a moment about Rob being the Metal God and thus Immortal !! im sure if it was that prick 'ripper' owens he would of been burned alive.... which would not be such a bad thing anyway!

Paxo said:
"It's OK nightwar, Sammi knows the score. She knows she comes a close second behind Biff and the boys! "
Too right, mate - a bloke has to get his priorities right, doesn't he!

Valanx said:
"What you said about glenns reaction there....he must of forgot for a moment about Rob being the Metal God and thus Immortal !! im sure if it was that prick 'ripper' owens he would of been burned alive.... which would not be such a bad thing anyway!"

LOL - nice one. Poor old Ripper would have gone up like a tinder box covered in petrol!

Seriously, though - I had no idea how lucky I was by going to that NEC gig. The video screens were great, too!
Yeah - I really hope it gets a release. All I can is that the gig was Fuckin' Amazing and it really re-enforced the love I have for The Priest.
Thanks for this news, Valanx - I've just gotta get that DVD if it gets released. I'm bound to be in there somewhere!
I to am really hoping for and looking forward to this dvd getting a release!
Although i wasnt at the gig on the 19th its cool to know i saw them 3 days later and of course i can always tell people "i know someone who is on that dvd somewhere!"

Ive been searching for and collecting more or less constantly Judas Priest bootleg live shows and dvds since the reunited thing last year...and since i got broadband! I would just love to have a dvd or recording of the show i was at......If some one filmed or recorded it that is!

Closest i have so far to 'my show' is one a month earlier in feb from sweden filmed from a really dodgy angle in the balcony! Sound is great though!
Thank god for Broadband!!!
Yeah - Broadband is something that I have got to get eventually. So many advantages to it!
It would be worth checking out the Priest Site and get yourself put on the Mailing list in case the DVD gets a release!
At that price i recommend everyone buy at least 10 copies!!!

So good is the new CD that Im planning to cleanse my home and burn my copies of the twins of blasphemy
known as jugulator and demolition in honour of the mighty Angel of Retribution

The Painkiller has risen again !!

I got the unrealsed sony 'promo only' cd single of "Revolution" off ebay for £5
Nice picture cd and cool cover artwork only one song, worth every penny!!

Another cool bargain i could not resist this week was Saxon "A collection of Metal" i dont usually go for compilations but at £3.97 from ASDA!!! how could i possibly pass that up! Very nice live version of 'broken heroes'
Nice eBay purchase, My Good Man!

I know what you mean about compilations, but for that price you gotta do it. ASDA deserve a slap on the back for selling something with so much quality on it, as opposed to Tesco, who seem to have shelves and shelves and shelves of utter crap in their music section!

Talking of Priest - they really should consider releasing an up to date 'Best Of' compilation. You know? For the Kids?

I've also been looking for a decent compilation of Alice Cooper - anyone got any ideas on that?
nightwar said:
I've also been looking for a decent compilation of Alice Cooper - anyone got any ideas on that?

Asda were also doing Alice Cooper "Super Hits" for £3.97 ! i have it and its pretty cool! i guess the tracks are from like 'Trash' to 'The Last Temptation'
Cant remember lol! Im still to blown away by "Brutal Planet" by Alice!!

I heard something somewhere that Priest were releasing some kind of compilation last month, although nothing seems to have materialised!
valanx said:
At that price i recommend everyone buy at least 10 copies!!!

So good is the new CD that Im planning to cleanse my home and burn my copies of the twins of blasphemy
known as jugulator and demolition in honour of the mighty Angel of Retribution

The Painkiller has risen again !!

I got the unrealsed sony 'promo only' cd single of "Revolution" off ebay for £5
Nice picture cd and cool cover artwork only one song, worth every penny!!

Another cool bargain i could not resist this week was Saxon "A collection of Metal" i dont usually go for compilations but at £3.97 from ASDA!!! how could i possibly pass that up! Very nice live version of 'broken heroes'

Granted "Jug" and "Dem" are not in and of themselves great records, but there is plenty of quality material to be found on them. Jugulator has great tracks like "Death Row" and "Cathedral Spires" while Demolition has standouts like "Machine Man", "Feed on Me" and "Bloodsuckers". Much like Metallica's two "Load" albums, you could probably take the best tracks off of both and make one complete c.d. which I actually did with Jug and Dem. Admittedly, there is filler on the two(Abductors, Decapitate,Cyberface,DevilDigger,etc.), but they are still listenable albums.
Thanks for the Alice Cooper update, Valanx - there is an Asda in Gloucester down the road from me, so I can pop in and check it out. To be honest, I don't know much about Alice Cooper - I have the vinyl of 'Schools Out' somewhere, and I recall that 'Poison' song, but I no nothing more!! Oh, except of course, his movie cameos in stuff like 'Prince Of Darkness' and 'Waynes World'!

Jugulator 2 - I'm not against Jugulator or Demolition, but it was just not Priest, you know? I agree, put the two together and you have a decent album! But, I'm afraid, Ripper Owens did not just do it for me, although he had improved dramatically on 'Demolition'. I never thought that he was trying to rip off fans with a bad Rob Halford impression, I just reckoned he lacked the 'Metal' vibe, if you know what I mean? He didn't have that magic stuff.
Jugulator2 said:
Granted "Jug" and "Dem" are not in and of themselves great records, but there is plenty of quality material to be found on them.

Mate if your into some of that stuff im cool with that, and i am gratefull to Ripper owens for keeping the Priest name going for those years, even though i dont like him or his singing or the songs he sang lol
nightwar said:
If it was a new band/artist, I would of thought it was ok. But it certianly was not Priest standard.

Yeah, well when you compare seeing 'ripper era priest' with the the 'True Judas Priest' it is like two different bands...the one with Rob Halford in being much better of course!
Seeing as Ripper Owens was in a Judas Priest tribute band, it is not surprising that he sounds like Rob Halford!

I don't think he had too much to do with the songs on the two JP albums he sang on, apart from singing on them of course! So Valanx and Nightwar, give Ripper a break. And I don't mean his neck!!!
Paxoman said:
Seeing as Ripper Owens was in a Judas Priest tribute band, it is not surprising that he sounds like Rob Halford!

Yeah and the Jugulator and Demolition cd covers should of properly indicated that it was a tribute band!! :lol: