
You're right, and I'd like to. But this is not the year of getting out :cry: I can't even go home to watch the bird.

This is The Year of Living Dangerously. :yell:
I'm not gonna comment on forum addiction.

As for the others, I work or study late almost everyday, so I'm happy to arrive home before 10. Btw, who do you go out with when you're in Mullingar?
You see, I don't go out with various people, it's simple. I go out with very few people in fact, I don't go out with people just for the sake of going out. For me going out may be an opportunity to be with those very few people, not the other way round. I can't change the people around me like I change pantyliners, höhö. I'm unreachable :blush:
Maqus said:
You see, I don't go out with various people, it's simple. I go out with very few people in fact, I don't go out with people just for the sake of going out. For me going out may be an opportunity to be with those very few people, not the other way round. I can't change the people around me like I change pantyliners, höhö. I'm unreachable :blush:
So really thats just a babbling way of saying "Im not that sociable really"?. And less of the pantyliner comparisons, Ive just had me breakfast :ill:
Strangelight said:
Theres always cows here. Dead ones, ones giving birth, escapees, ones that look like horses. They all stink
You once mentioned a rotting cow lying in front of your house for several days. I doubt there's any smell as unpleasant as that of decay... Well, that of live human beings maybe. ;)
Cows that look like horses?! Hm... You have an interesting fauna up there. ;)