Annalisa just bought a Wii...

You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Dead Winter again...


On a side note, I played Wii all day and it is plain awesome.
I played tennis in the store yesterday and she had to wrestle the controller out of my hands...and that was a gay little tennis game. Imagine Call of Duty or Metroid or even Zelda.

No seks for me for the next two weeks.

They are releasing a Samurai game,

And Star Wars? The entire world is going to collapse because we will all be light sabre fighting in our living rooms.

Wanna see some funny shit? Go here: Wii Have A Problem...
I played tennis in the store yesterday and she had to wrestle the controller out of my hands...and that was a gay little tennis game. Imagine Call of Duty or Metroid or even Zelda.

Zelda is great, once you get past how different the control actually is (that's why it's good to play the sports game first), Metroid Prime 3 should be utterly amazing. Call Of duty 3 is decidedly average in terms of control.

Can't wait for the games coming out, especially the new RPGs (Dragon Quest and so forth) as well as the FPS.

Have fun, mate.
i just want to play a bunch of mini games on the wii, i have Zelda but havent been playing it much. Wii sports is cool and Wii Play looks good too, its just more mini games like wii sports, for 50 bucks you get the game and it comes with a 40 dollar wii remote... so basically its a 10 dollar game... awesome.
Yeah, we're getting that too. I think we're gonna get Call of Duty, Far Cry Vengeance, of course Zelda, Metroid, and the mini game with remote package.
I played some racing game. It was pretty boring actually. I want to try Zelda and Call of Duty the most:)
i camped out Sunday morning and got the Wii at a store here in Philly. I picked up Madden, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and Call of Duty 3. this console is the most fucking fun i've had in the longest time man. Wii Sports is amazing. my friend got one too, and he got Zelda. so i'll just borrow his. but I also look forward to Metroid... and definately Super Smash Bros.

ahhh i love it hahaha.
i haven't played it yet really. i've been playing with a lot of people since i got it. so Wii Sports, Madden, and Ultimate Alliance can all be multiplayer. I didn't want to make anyone sit there and watch me play. besides, i'll get addicted once i start, so i plan on playing it when i have a lot of time to play. from reviews i've read/seen... it seems to be pretty good, although the graphics are a little sub-par. i'll let ya know as soon as i play it though.
For me, graphics aren't the most important's all about the gameplay. That said, I DO expect the Wii to have a significant improvement in graphics. Ok, I don't expect it to be on par with PS3 or even Xbox 360, but if it gets nearly there, I'm happy.
I want one, someone should buy it for me for christmas!

If not I'll have to buy it myself :(

so I haven't heard anything about the mario game, is that not out??