Annoying thing about Opeth

you should stop listening to Opeth if you find it so annoying and stop creating shit threads
Not by itself, but slowing down the progression of the music so that its not just some 2 minute speed metal nonsense sure helps.
TBYF is a very patient song.
The Moor is building up the entire album.
That section in Moonlapse could go on forever in my book.

Usually if I think something is too long, it's because I have failed to understand the songwriter's intention. The quiet section in Pink Floyd's Dogs is a good example.
Never noticed.

Not bothered.

They could loop the end to Masters Apprentice all day. I actually do it myself.

Your neighbours must love you for that.
They should, anyway.

I agree with the TS, sometimes the repetitions get annoying. The acoustic bit in Blackwater Park is a very good example of that. I cut half of that out in Audacity, I think it sounds much better now.
I have heard alot of bands being to repetive, and I don't like it. With Opeth it isn't like that. Opeth does fine with the repetive stuff. I find it rather good!
This makes me wonder if I should rearrange a song I've written,
it's now basically a pop-strucktured song, but it's over 10 minutes long. :lol:
Don't be hasty, and let yourself get lost in every note, not expecting but flavoring, becoming part of the song and floating away towards the dark magic of it.

I was thinking about saying something alike, but I couldn't have put it so eloquently clear..

although it sounds cursi..:p
repetitions are meant to give a section the necessary stress to justify the progression; Opeth does it perfectly, releasing the loop once the section chosen gets stressed enough. It causes on me, at least, an extraordinary effect.