Another song revisited. One of my bests IMO. Same stuff as lately used...


I hope you guys like it, especially Erik. I only spent about an hour on this, a half hour being soley reamping.

Guitars are my Dual Recto.

Bass is Ampeg SVX plus a seperate distorted track.

Drums are Metal Foundry.

Guitars have a cool crunch but feel too middy and far from the dustcap IMO; tames the fizz, but the cost is a tone that just feels much more dense and muffled than Erik's original, too much so IMO. Also, I really do not like that snare, not upfront enough and very trashy sounding. Kick is pretty cool, though could use a bit less upper mids and a bit more click (IOW, less 2-3k, more 4-6k), and the cymbals are definitely too loud. Has potential though dude!
Thanks guys! It's really cool to listen to your own music mixed by others, everyone focuses it in a different way! :D

My settings are in other thread, some KsE test I made some time ago. I'll post them in as soon as I find that thread again :p

actually found them looking through your posts, but I'm not smart enough to figure out how the hell to use curveeq.
Guitars have a cool crunch but feel too middy and far from the dustcap IMO; tames the fizz, but the cost is a tone that just feels much more dense and muffled than Erik's original, too much so IMO. Also, I really do not like that snare, not upfront enough and very trashy sounding. Kick is pretty cool, though could use a bit less upper mids and a bit more click (IOW, less 2-3k, more 4-6k), and the cymbals are definitely too loud. Has potential though dude!

You often use the "too far from the dustcap line" and it seems like you're not really keen on where the mic is in other people's clips when you say that. The mic is on the dustcap in this clip and if you think the guitars sound muffled, I don't know whats going on with your ears. The low mids of the Recto sit in a very interesting place, which is being accentuated by this clip a bit, I will say. The guitars on this clip are totally fizzless and allow a lot of space for the cymbals and symphony without it being a clusterfuck for frequency space.

I understand where you're coming from on the kick. I'm not super happy with the snare, but I suppose I was showcasing the guitar tone a bit. I'll work on that.
I definitely hear a weird muffled quality to them, however listening again, I do hear the telltale crispness of being close to the dustcap that I like, it's just getting obscured by the very prominent honky midrange, too much so IMO, which as I said makes it feel dense and to me also obscures the orchestra (which occupies far more of the mids rather than highs, so the lack of fizz in the guitar tone doesn't really help that). However, I'm gonna guess this was your 1x12 in your little iso construct, which would explain what I'm hearing. But hey, if you're happy with it, then you shouldn't mind what I have to say! ;)
I definitely hear a weird muffled quality to them, however listening again, I do hear the telltale crispness of being close to the dustcap that I like, it's just getting obscured by the very prominent honky midrange, too much so IMO, which as I said makes it feel dense and to me also obscures the orchestra (which occupies far more of the mids rather than highs, so the lack of fizz in the guitar tone doesn't really help that). However, I'm gonna guess this was your 1x12 in your little iso construct, which would explain what I'm hearing. But hey, if you're happy with it, then you shouldn't mind what I have to say! ;)

This is a 4x12 Mesa. I am "happy" with the tone, but I don't really hear what you're hearing. That's my issue.
Dude this is sounding so big.

Got bored today and laid some REAL DRUMS over it. All got replaced tho: Paramore snare, some awesome kick, Chimaira toms. Huge fucking bass (thank you Ryan!). Overall its a little squashed I think and lacks punch but holy shit is it big. I made the kick a little subby, its pumping but atm I really like it. It may annoy me later. Really wish the piano and violins were separated. The violins have SO MUCH HIGHEND. Guitars are probably shit. SoloC + Preampus Distortus (sp?) into spreshigh. Huge.mp3
Well lads, here's my attempt :

Just click here

Drums were Addictive Drums (well the kick and snare were that, coz they are sampled to shit ;)) (Digitally) reamped with SoloC (the Crunch channel to be exact) Bassguitar was Ampeg SVT with SoloC PreAmp in front of it. And compressed/smashed to shit offcourse.

I'm aware of the fact that in one drumfill a floortom sounds really loud, so i will take care of that later. And i will make some arrangements to record real drums to it, to be continued!
ShallowEulogy, could you post the midi file after you converted it to AD? No matter what I do I can't get that shit right! Thanks

And your mix sounds great!
Sounds good, Erik. Which impulse were you using? Catharsis s-preshigh? Guitarhack ThisOne? Any info on where you highpassed and lowpassed?
It's cool dude, and might work for some styles, but I still feel it's got that same through-the-nose honk; honestly, it really sounds like what I associate with the sound of a cab with front-mounted speakers, such as the Engl Pro; I would never think a Mesa cab could sound like that! Mic/settings/post-eq?

Solo C as a boost.
Mic is 3/4 on dustcap. Clock Face Settings: Modern, Silicon Diodes
Master 11:00, Presence 12:30, Bass 9:30, Mid 8:00, Treble 11:30, Gain 2:00.
No post processing aside from Elephant to make it a bit louder.
Dude this is sounding so big.

Got bored today and laid some REAL DRUMS over it. All got replaced tho: Paramore snare, some awesome kick, Chimaira toms. Huge fucking bass (thank you Ryan!). Overall its a little squashed I think and lacks punch but holy shit is it big. I made the kick a little subby, its pumping but atm I really like it. It may annoy me later. Really wish the piano and violins were separated. The violins have SO MUCH HIGHEND. Guitars are probably shit. SoloC + Preampus Distortus (sp?) into spreshigh. Huge.mp3

Here's my two cents.

1. More highs on the guitars. Erik intended the guitars to be quite a bit bright, hence why the orchestra's tonality is the way it is. They are a tiny bit muddy. I'm sure Andy's c4 settings would help you on the low end.

2. The cymbals are surely too quiet in comparison to the drums, so the whole mix doesn't sound unified. Why not just process your raw drums, Morgoe? They sounded good on the other song you posted. You just need to nuke some of the 500hz and add some top end.

3. Bass is almost non existant. Get it to grind a bit in there.