Another Strange Alexi Guitar Ripoff

How come the guitar is autographed in the two bottom pictures, and it isnt in the other four???
Because he obviously took half of the pictures before the autograph and half after.... It's not hard to figure out.
that guitar is kinda shitty, it looks like he just had the guirat repainted. and its got a clear pic guard on it
i think that might be from the same guy that sold that fake wildchild guitar b/c in the pictures they had that white guitar too, sucks that its a jackson when alexi's is an esp
Wildchild87 said:
i think that might be from the same guy that sold that fake wildchild guitar b/c in the pictures they had that white guitar too, sucks that its a jackson when alexi's is an esp

Why the hell does it suck because it's a jackson?
he didn't say anything on the specs of it, i reckon its only an RR3, its hard to tell, though, cant make out if the bridge is a real floyd or a jackson floyd

oh and there aint not binding on it either, he has changed the bridge pickup at least