Strange Bodom Guitar for sale

Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Looks gay, and its a waste of money.

yeah, its so gay because it looks like one alexi uses. way to be tr00, man. alexi's guitar is too well known to be cool now.

STAY METAL!!!! \m/ TR00000000!!!!
In Your Face said:
yeah, its so gay because it looks like one alexi uses. way to be tr00, man. alexi's guitar is too well known to be cool now.

STAY METAL!!!! \m/ TR00000000!!!!
Nah, it just looks really gay around where the fretboard and body come together. And it's gay in other places to.
What the fuck is on the go with the nut... the trem lock things is stripped off. yet in the pic alexi is in they are on... weiiirdd... Also there are no fucking strings...

Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Nah, it just looks really gay around where the fretboard and body come together. And it's gay in other places to.

Yeah, i'll give you that... The cutaway doesn't look all that well done b/c the jackson body is smaller than the ESP, and the inlays are kinda tacky...
haha Alexi doesnt look very happy in that photo lol
As for the guitar, it's very interesting, but I could do without the inlays :yuk: