Anthrax albums with John on vocals...


Senile Member
Apr 5, 2005
been a bit sick...and had a lot of time to listen to music...wife, kid and the dogs are at parents in I've been listen to all Anthrax albums from Spotify...

...and at the moment it seems like Stomp 442 is my favourite Anthrax album with John Bush on vocals... We've Come For You All being second...then I can't decide...SOWN, GOTE and VOL.8 are all good but...

What's your favourite?


it's very hard, but i have to go with SOWN closely followed by V8, WCFYA ans Stomp. But i like all of them and listen to them equally.
GOTE is the best Greatest Hits ever and was a great idea (very orriginal) and MOMD is the best live ever.
I like the way the band have make their musics and albums after John jump on bord.
If it wasn't for the reunion (waste of time and the biggest mistake of their career in my opinion), we surely have 2 more great album and a lot of new musics and shows.
I think SOWN and WCFYA are tied as my favorites, followed by Volume 8 and then Stomp. GOTE also rules, but since it's not an album of NEW material, I didn't really count it here.
This one's easy!
Sound of White Noise!

When it came to singing the classics Bush really sounds like he was struggling same can be said on some of the songs on that album - but he was able to make it his own and sound natural with it.

It's a outstanding album from start to finish (minus the bonus tracks)

Surprisingly Vol. 8 was the very first Anthrax album I actually bought - funny enough because it's my least favorite - Stomp 442 is better in my opinion. But both those albums felt like it was just everyday jams thrown into a CD. There are tracks that I enjoy from those two albums ("Nothing", "Fueled", "Inside Out" "Catharsis" "604" lol). Most songs on those albums feel like filler tracks and they're easily skippable to me.

We've Come For You All comes very close. It's Vocally John Bush' most powerful performance with Anthrax. Another thing I liked about that album was the inclusion of Rob on guitar. He fills that void that Anthrax has been missing since Dan Spitz left (no offense to Paul Crook).

Greater of Two Evils was pretty interesting to listen to. Some moments are pretty laughable but there are times where John and Rob really pull through on that album. GoTE's version of "Deathrider" and "N.F.L. is the highlight for me. It's pretty ironic that after this album came out the T_ue _in_er of Anthrax _e_rned (I jest - maybe not ha ha ha)
Sown isnt just a great Anthrax record its a great metal record period. Maybe all around one of best metal records of all time. Personaly Vol8 is near and dear to me.
SOWN! with ease
then Vol8 and WCFYA

Apart from the first two songs I've always really disliked Stomp. And yes, I consider myself an Anthrax fan. But that album just didn't do it for me....
I think SOWN holds a special place for everyone since it was the first disc featuring John Bush. I have to say that it's my favorite among the Bush era. The others are really good, but not as good as SOWN. :kickass:
