I joined first thing this morning. i was all ready to post a grumpy comment when I got the email from Scott, but the shirt is cool and worth the money to me by itself. The other stuff is bonus. They'll need to do a shirt or something each year though to get people to renew, but that should be do-able because those shirts cost fuck all to make. I never joined a fan club before and am feeling like an utter gayboy.
I'm in, but the wife will have to wear the t-shirt until my fat ass can get into an XL... WHY THE FUCK WON'T YOUSE GUYS OFFER A GODDAMN DOUBLE-X FOR US FATTIES?!?!????

Seriously though, we gots a Cheese-state rep now! (WI)
Sgt-D said:
I'm in, but the wife will have to wear the t-shirt until my fat ass can get into an XL... WHY THE FUCK WON'T YOUSE GUYS OFFER A GODDAMN DOUBLE-X FOR US FATTIES?!?!????

Or Triple-X actually. I know I take a XXXL in most t-shirts (since they usually shrink like hell), and let's face it, I've been to my share of 'thrax shows, we've got our fair share of larger folks.

Even if you tacked on a couple bucks extra (+$2 for a plus-size shirt or something) most of us would do it. I can't count the number of really cool XL shirts I have gotten from various places that I'd love to wear, but will never get my fat ass into.
Ulster Mosher said:
Dave, how'd you get through the City and State sections? I've tried enteriing my address in here, but it won't accept it as a valid address.

GRRRRRR...had the same fuckin problems....WTF????
How the fuck do I get past the first screen to complete registration - I think its use error but WTF - help a brother out - I'll buy you a beer or Red Bull
I found that Firefox/Mozilla block it for permission reasons. Just use Internet Explorer instead after clicking the sign up button.
Thanks Aliasp

I'm a plain dumbass, so filed a ticket. If it's not Excel, Access or a data warehouse I'm fucked :Spin:

So then I go to another bands site and get the ID and get registered then go back to and no fucking luck