New Metal Member
timmyc said:The Four Horsemen was written by Metallica including Mustaine when he was in the band - so he took it also and used the same basically (minus the slow middle section + lead), calling it Mechanix.
Hey guys, new to the forum, just thought I'd add my two pennies.
originally, when mustaine was part of Metallica, they wrote the song "mechanix" together. shortly after, Mustaine got the boot, and metallica thought the song was corny, becuase of the subject matter and re-did it as The four horsemen, and allowed the new GUitarist Hammett have fun with the guitaring and put in some kickass solos'
and thats how we got the four horsemen, and when Mustaine put together Megadeth, he was proud enough to include the original Mechanix.
I think I even have a live MP3 of metallica playing Mechanix somewhere