Anti-Semitic Double Standards


Feb 2, 2005
"Traditional" antisemitic thought, which is racially motivated and usually goes hand in hand with nationalistic ideologies, holds that the Jews are bad because of all the usual Der Sturmer stereotypes: i.e greedy, selfish, rootless cosmopolitan, weak, liberal and so on. Then there's the so called "new" anti-semitism which criticizes Zionism and the state of Israel on the basis that it supposedly commits genocide and crimes against humanity. This kind of thinking is not strictly limited to the far right, but to all extrimist political ideologies.

Leaving the question of whether that's true or not aside, isn't it a little weird to blame Judeo-Bolshevisim for "our misfortune" and compare Israel to the Third Reich at the same breathe? If Israel is indeed a fascist, ethnocentric state, than it should actually be praised according to Nazi moral standards
"Traditional" antisemitic thought, which is racially motivated and usually goes hand in hand with nationalistic ideologies, holds that the Jews are bad because of all the usual Der Sturmer stereotypes: i.e greedy, selfish, rootless cosmopolitan, weak, liberal and so on. Then there's the so called "new" anti-semitism which criticizes Zionism and the state of Israel on the basis that it supposedly commits genocide and crimes against humanity. This kind of thinking is not strictly limited to the far right, but to all extrimist political ideologies.

Leaving the question of whether that's true or not aside, isn't it a little weird to blame Judeo-Bolshevisim for "our misfortune" and compare Israel to the Third Reich at the same breathe? If Israel is indeed a fascist, ethnocentric state, than it should actually be praised according to Nazi moral standards

I agree, there is too-much Nazi-sympathizing or Jew-hating here, and it makes no sense logically or philosophically.
No, that's not my point... my post is not very well written, but you should read it again. :)
I don't think most 'traditional' anti-semites have an issue with the existence of Israel beyond the fact that Jews insist on their right to a race state while simultaneously insisting that other people have no such right (and are, moreover, 'evil' for even so much as desiring one). It's the one standard for the Jew, one standard for You aspect we find so distasteful.
"Traditional" antisemitic thought, which is racially motivated and usually goes hand in hand with nationalistic ideologies, holds that the Jews are bad because of all the usual Der Sturmer stereotypes: i.e greedy, selfish, rootless cosmopolitan, weak, liberal and so on. Then there's the so called "new" anti-semitism which criticizes Zionism and the state of Israel on the basis that it supposedly commits genocide and crimes against humanity. This kind of thinking is not strictly limited to the far right, but to all extrimist political ideologies.

Leaving the question of whether that's true or not aside, isn't it a little weird to blame Judeo-Bolshevisim for "our misfortune" and compare Israel to the Third Reich at the same breathe? If Israel is indeed a fascist, ethnocentric state, than it should actually be praised according to Nazi moral standards

Where is the double standard with ‘traditional’ anti Semitism? As far as ‘liberal’ they sure are…when it comes to gentiles. You see they have a left wing agenda for non Jews but an ultimate supremacist agenda for other Jews…so that is where the double standard is. Also, not all Jews are like this, no more then all whites are Klansman and Nazis, or all blacks are gangsters etc.

Politically speaking, Israel is identical to the Third Reich if we keep agendas out of the way. The Nazis wanted to keep Germany European, but actually had some Jews within the Third Reich who had full declarations of German blood. The Zionist want to keep Israel Jewish or at least have some sort of Jewish homeland which has a majority Jewish population…Theodore Herzl wanted the area of Palestine for the Jewish state to attracted religious Jews. Here lies the problem, the Zionist don’t have a nationalistic agenda all by itself, they have a multicultural one as well…the former is for themselves whereas the latter is for everyone else and that is the problem, not Jewish nationalism.
I don't think most 'traditional' anti-semites have an issue with the existence of Israel beyond the fact that Jews insist on their right to a race state while simultaneously insisting that other people have no such right (and are, moreover, 'evil' for even so much as desiring one). It's the one standard for the Jew, one standard for You aspect we find so distasteful.

You hit the nail right on the head. :kickass:
I don't think most 'traditional' anti-semites have an issue with the existence of Israel beyond the fact that Jews insist on their right to a race state while simultaneously insisting that other people have no such right (and are, moreover, 'evil' for even so much as desiring one). It's the one standard for the Jew, one standard for You aspect we find so distasteful.

Yes, this is indeed one of the chief issues some of us take with Jews. And the double-standards don't stop there. At one time I had a Jewish co-worker with whom I could speak very openly. She too was quite open in revealing that this double-standard(one standard for Jews another for all the rest)is not only fully acknowledged by many Jews behind closed is celebrated! A cursory look at most Jewish news and literature easily confirms this.
Yes, this is indeed one of the chief issues some of us take with Jews. And the double-standards don't stop there. At one time I had a Jewish co-worker with whom I could speak very openly. She too was quite open in revealing that this double-standard(one standard for Jews another for all the rest)is not only fully acknowledged by many Jews behind closed is celebrated! A cursory look at most Jewish news and literature easily confirms this.

Indeed. How they must laugh at the stupid goyim (= cattle) for falling for it all so easily. Scourge said exactly what I was going to say too.
Hmm...let's think through this argument.
So the Jews (supposedly) impose a double standard upon non-Jews. Therefore I, as a non-Jew, will (definitely) impose a double standard upon themo_O
Hmm...let's think through this argument.
So the Jews (supposedly) impose a double standard upon non-Jews. Therefore I, as a non-Jew, will (definitely) impose a double standard upon themo_O

I think you need to study the situation a little harder.
Eh, I read your earlier post. It's great and all, but I still don't see how hate justifies hate in response. I mean, really think about what you are saying: (a)Jews want to be the supreme race. Therefore, (b)I want them to be the lowest of all races. (i.e. I want to be supreme over them). It's self-defeating, because if you can justify ganging up against Jews, then by the same principle you can justify them ganging up against you.
Eh, I read your earlier post. It's great and all, but I still don't see how hate justifies hate in response. I mean, really think about what you are saying: (a)Jews want to be the supreme race. Therefore, (b)I want them to be the lowest of all races. (i.e. I want to be supreme over them). It's self-defeating, because if you can justify ganging up against Jews, then by the same principle you can justify them ganging up against you.

No, I don’t think there should be any hate toward Jews…where in my post did I say anything like that? I went out of my way to say the total opposite by pointing out that not all Jews are supremacist. Also, I never said anything about wanting them to be the lowest of all races…if I did it sure would be self defeating.
Well you did pretty much equate them to Nazis, and the whole "agenda" thing implied that if we don't have an agenda against Jews we will be subjugated by them. I don't know, maybe I misinterpreted you.
Eh, I read your earlier post. It's great and all, but I still don't see how hate justifies hate in response. I mean, really think about what you are saying: (a)Jews want to be the supreme race. Therefore, (b)I want them to be the lowest of all races. (i.e. I want to be supreme over them). It's self-defeating, because if you can justify ganging up against Jews, then by the same principle you can justify them ganging up against you.

Why can there never be a disagreement with the collective machinations of a large portion of a particular group/demographic, without this oversimplified and tired accusation of "hate" being trotted out? It is all very romantic to insist that we must never judge any group but only each individual, but sometimes so much of that group thinks and acts with such uniformity, that ignoring this fact is both disingenuous and to be frank - foolish.
Blindly "hating" Jews because they are Jews would indeed be both senseless and entirely unfair. But taking issue with what a large number of Jews have done and continue to do, while they hide behind the nakedly false facade of a perpetually-persecuted religious group, is something else. That Jews have historically faced persecution is undeniable - that this is always the result of some mindless wickedness is wholly debatable!
That Jews openly practice and preach ethno-racial self-homogeneity, even as they, the titular godfathers of Leftism, loudly and self-righteously condemn this in others is problematic to say the least. This type of group hypocrisy cannot go unchallenged in this day and age of hyper-sensitivity over such matters. To claim this is but rank Anti-Semitism is silly and quite unfair.
Indeed, any people who have claimed for millenia to be the very "chosen" of God Almighty, would do well to be more careful about who they accuse of Supremacy complexes and bigotry.

Hate? This about much more than mindless hate...
So we shouldn't hate Jews, but we should be prejudiced against them?

What on earth do you define as prejudice? We(whoever we is)should not hesitate to identify any entity that apparently schemes against what we deem the ideal situation/society wherein our people shall reside. Let us not pretend that nations, cultures and peoples come to power and relevancy in a vacuum.