any chicks going to opeth?

you have striven about my tatoo without knowing that it was made for testing i mean it was sth temporary i just took a photo of it then it is now gone .but ,there is somethng more if i want to have a tatoo on me it would be certainly the logo of opeth :kickass: and @majere what you said is weird as we all know opeth
i regard it as "ridiculous" because ive known many people that regret the band name tattoos now. the most recent example for that is children of bodom. many people thought that they were the greatest band ever and will remain as such so got a tattoo, to their easily seen body parts(dont look at me i never thought that they were the greatest band) and now after are you dead yet they totally regret it and trying to find a way to get rid of them
blacksummer said:
you have striven about my tatoo without knowing that it was made for testing i mean it was sth temporary i just took a photo of it then it is now gone .but ,there is somethng more if i want to have a tatoo on me it would be certainly the logo of opeth :kickass: and @majere what you said is weird as we all know opeth
you wouldnt know. i thought i knew childre of bodom and look at their most recent release.
shhh chris dont lie, just coz ur in the opeth forum lol

nah i dont realy like them but im not going to deny that they are a good band
as if there is an objectiveness to such things :lol:

surely some music is better crafted than others, but being *as* particular as you is not really my style. i'm particular in a different way.
I find myself resenting some of this "tattoo talk" as I have the "O" on my shoulder blade.

Yes, it's a band logo and I realize that the band won't last as long as the body art, but paying homage to Opeth isn't the
ONLY reason I had it done. There's more to it than that as I'm not some mindless lunatic ultra-fan. A tattoo should be personal to you; this happens to be for me and, for that reason, I know I won't regret the decision.
i bought their most recent album and i liked it. a couple of songs on there are fucking sweet. but, they don't have the "holy-shit, this is amazing" power for me. plus, i need to raise the bar in order to compete with superior music tastes like nfu, so i don't have the time to check out any more of their stuff.