any chicks going to opeth?

JoeVice said:
i bought their most recent album and i liked it. a couple of songs on there are fucking sweet. but, they don't have the "holy-shit, this is amazing" power for me. plus, i need to raise the bar in order to compete with superior music tastes like nfu, so i don't have the time to check out any more of their stuff.

good, someone who gets it. now everyone follow suit.
illidurit said:
maybe if they fired fagrath and got a decent songwriter in there they wouldn't blow as much

You mean they should fire Silenoz? Since Wikipedia says after 1 second of searching:

Silenoz has been a guitarist for the band from the start. He composes most of the riffs and melodies that are a large part of the band's sound. Silenoz also writes the majority of the lyrics for Dimmu Borgir and also contributes with backing vocals.

So they should fire him really no?
NineFeetUnderground said:
so because some broad took out a jester race copy out of her backpack (which her boyfriend probably bribed her to listen to), im supposed to completely rethink my experience with the dozens of female opeth fans ive come across?

not that the jester race is by ANY means the level of comparison i use to judge good taste anyway. If she pulled out a Candlemass or Venom cd out of her backpack, then id probably be impressed.

I think you shouldn't judge them until you really know one. I mean it's cool to make an assumption like that to an extent if you haven't met a female with good taste like yourself, and you have really nice taste, btw. Venom is a kickass. Hands down.

The Jester Race is very impressive, I'd say. That shit is probably the best In Flames ever, and the new In Flames is rather shitty, IMO.

Point being, if you ever meet a girl who likes metal...don't go calling her emo and shit until you really know. You never know...she might pull of a Kreator on your ass...

A Reason To Sing said:
I think you shouldn't judge them until you really know one. I mean it's cool to make an assumption like that to an extent if you haven't met a female with good taste like yourself, and you have really nice taste, btw. Venom is a kickass. Hands down.

The Jester Race is very impressive, I'd say. That shit is probably the best In Flames ever, and the new In Flames is rather shitty, IMO.

Point being, if you ever meet a girl who likes metal...don't go calling her emo and shit until you really know. You never know...she might pull of a Kreator on your ass...


ive known girls into kreator. and typically they look like swamp hags. or should belong in 6 hour a day therapy sessions. obviously im generalizing based on stereotypes...but theyre MY stereotypes ive formed out of meeting a lot of people, thats why i wont rid of them anytime soon.
Hahaha, dude, I don't know how some of you ended up so bitter about girls and metal (or just anything sans penis in general?), but you've gotta get out and find yourselves some good & metal chicks. Some of the greatest metalheads I know are female, including one who runs and hosts the local University's metal radio show - just in the vicinity of my [shithole] city outside of Vancouver. Also, I don't know any of them to be particularly fucked up in comparison with my male friends who listen to metal - they simply appreciate good music! That all said, this is getting kind of old. The original question was posed to girls who go to Opeth shows - the Girls Who Like Opeth(tm) flamewar is so...uh..two months ago. Hahaha.

I digress. One of my bestfriends is into Opeth as well, and we'll both be at the Rijssen show in the Netherlands in June, so see you guys there.
i dont know of any weird metal girls, why they going to be weird just coz they girls?
Alexis said:
Hahaha, dude, I don't know how some of you ended up so bitter about girls and metal

umm, i do,

its obvious,


HE'S GAY!!!!
Alexis said:
Hahaha, dude, I don't know how some of you ended up so bitter about girls and metal (or just anything sans penis in general?), but you've gotta get out and find yourselves some good & metal chicks. Some of the greatest metalheads I know are female, including one who runs and hosts the local University's metal radio show - just in the vicinity of my [shithole] city outside of Vancouver. Also, I don't know any of them to be particularly fucked up in comparison with my male friends who listen to metal - they simply appreciate good music! That all said, this is getting kind of old. The original question was posed to girls who go to Opeth shows - the Girls Who Like Opeth(tm) flamewar is so...uh..two months ago. Hahaha.

I digress. One of my bestfriends is into Opeth as well, and we'll both be at the Rijssen show in the Netherlands in June, so see you guys there.

youre from europe first of all. american metal broads are a COMPLETELY different story. here is an example of an american metal broad:


any questions? raise the bar.
actually, at a hate eternal show, there was one of the most beautifull women that i have ever seen. i was blown away!!! most metal chicks are just that, like the pic that nfu posted. but, i suspected for a while that she was there for a class or a one of those intro to liberal arts classes where you have to do something out of the norm. but, when into eternity took the stage, she stood up, went to the very front, and started rocking out. it was then that i knew i must talk to her...especially since some people that i got along with on this forum recommended into eternity. well, as it turns out, into eternity sucks ass, we had to leave early to catch our bus, and some other guy made a move on her before me anyway. FUCK