Any Ideas About the new title

King Chaos

Pomeo Osoponeor
Mar 19, 2004
Im sorry if someones discussed this else where, but I was just wondering If anyone knows the title for the new :worship:DArk TRanq:worship: album? plus does anyone know the progress on it? I take it Niklas will be putting the art on it. Hey hows about this, anyone wanna suggest titles for the album that they think would suit :worship:DT:worship:???????
HAHAHA, We are there most humble fans and thus we should control them :Smokedev:

I have always thrown the name "parasites in the garden of eden" around in my bands. That name would be ace, but it is pretty negative and we have no idea the vibes of this new album. It might be really pleasant :Smug: But I doubt it, what ever it'll be ace. Anyone else wanna suggest a kick ass name?
Best. Song. EVAR. :D

Seriously though, without knowing the song names on the album, it's difficult to guess. It doesn't help that we don't know what sort of album it will be; a shift in the Projector direction, or a follow-on from Damage Done?
For some reason, Dark Tranquillity - Sentience seems good to me, just off the top of my head.
to my knowledge, the only confirmed title for a song on the record is one thought, the track performed live on the italian tour in november. there will be no relation between this song title and the album title, though. the direction of this new record will be similar to dd, possibly heavier in places. and i'm of the opinion that the new album should have a title longer than one word.
Dark Tranquillity - "Raise thine sword to teh sky, you metal heathen you, and point thine well-oiled, bare chest to the north, for we are teh saviours and for us thou shall fight and die in an unconscious stream of insanity that will teach teh untr00 to fear teh might of teh dragon and teh sword and teh hott leather pants and teh general homoerotic feel, we are teh kyngs of metal, so help us Sweden for we will have this glorious land flooded by pirates and italians, amen!"
Maybe they could add a subtitle like: "The quest for the holy grail continues in" and then they'd list all countries of the world alphabetically, and continue with countries that are not of this world but that appear in the works of Robert Jordan, David Eddings and the like?
rahvin said:
"all profits from the sale of this record will be donated to the association for helping rahvin and dark jester to move to sweden"

thank you, guys, i'm (almost) moved. :°)
What you are leaving behind your "help Rahvin get laid" fundation? Too bad i was about to donate a russian wife :tickled:
rahvin said:
dark tranquillity haven't been selling enough records to afford paying for my getting laid since the gallery. :p
95? sympathies.

And about the name, i might be called a crazy Mexican ( wouldnt be the first time although ) but it would be cool of DT would relase a self titled album.