Any Ideas About the new title

Dark Tranquillity - Drive-by Shooting
That would show da peepz they aint takin no shit from y'all..know what im sayin?
peace out homez :cool:
No.. no, chief.. you have to misspell at least one word in the title.

My suggestion would be Forest of Illusion, and they should let me do the cover art for it.
Niklas, godammit, get in here!! ..tell the band to let me do the cover art.
Many PRO's and CON's about the self-titled suggestion... It sounds interesting, but they always had great titles without having to choose dark tranquillity as one. More than one word would be cool, something mystical would be cool, too.
Don't know how many drinks they had in studio but what about "The day after (the Damage Done)"??? OK, just kidding!
how about: "you have no chance to survive make your time"?
or "take off every 'zig!"

what you say?

on a (somewhat) more serious sidenote:
what about

a) Dark Tranquillity - Imposture (yeah i wanna get rich with that domain)
b) Dark Tranquillity - Dark TranquiLity (for the americans)
Starfires Burning Upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule? It's good, but the best is:

And Lo, When The Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth, Then Dark Sorceries Shall Enshroud The Citadel Of The Obsidian Crown.

MagSec4 said:
No.. no, chief.. you have to misspell at least one word in the title.
How about they misspell the band-name? Like "Da Tranquillity" or smt... :q