Any Ideas About the new title

I was replying to a thread about great song names on the off topic board, and i mentioned something like 85% of all DT songs previous to DD and i thought "all of this is cool but the most fitting name to the band, throughout their entire career, beyond all album names and song names as good as they are, is still the band's name". So i saw this thread and put 2 and 2 togheter.
Northern Lights said:
Dark Tranquillity - "Raise thine sword to teh sky, you metal heathen you, and point thine well-oiled, bare chest to the north, for we are teh saviours and for us thou shall fight and die in an unconscious stream of insanity that will teach teh untr00 to fear teh might of teh dragon and teh sword and teh hott leather pants and teh general homoerotic feel, we are teh kyngs of metal, so help us Sweden for we will have this glorious land flooded by pirates and italians, amen!"
If on the other hand they want to avoid a 10-meter long cover, how about just:
"Dark Tranquillity - Homoerotica"?

It would pay a tribute to this board and also create a turmoil, sales would go up just cause ppl would flame it a lot and the gay community would support it, closeted gu/ays would buy it and hide it under their mattress... just think of the potential. :grin:
how about: "Dark Tranquillity - The Grand Wazoo" ?? :p (to pay homage to their kraziest fan! :loco: )

i already did the artwork, it's really nice, you should see it Niklas ;)

or maybe not. the self-titled alternative seems nice, or anything with misery in the title would be fine by me! :grin: :)

*wonders and ponders over more titles*
@Siren: brilliant :lol: businessmen all over the world would slap themselves silly because they did not think of that particularly clever marketing strategy :grin:
DeepInMisery said:
...or anything with misery in the title would be fine by me! :grin: :)
Then what about Dark Tranquillity - Homoerotic Misery? Picture it: Alot of songs in alusion to anal desires, the pain of the deflowerment by sodomy, the sadness of a small penis, it would be asome.
I predict a title based on one of the tracks. And A selftitled album is not a good idea imho. Other bands have done it and DT don't follow others.
Most bands do it on there first or second release. DT have aged to a point where they are a fine wine... untouchable by others... So to have the self titled album is not conforming in any aspect of the word, they would just be re-innovating something that's already been done. But I agree that the title will probably be based on one of the tracks, it has so far on every other album, so I dont see why they wont just do it agian. If they named albums after songs why did they call the gallery the gallery though? the song the gallery isn't as good as alot of tracks on that album e.g dividing line or punish my heaven... which are two ultimate metal songs, some of the best I.m.O :p