Any "Jazzers"?


yeah.. Miles
Feb 11, 2004
Finland, Vimpeli
Im listening very much Progressive (and Trash + death metal too)

But very much too Jazz and Fusion. Is there any people who likes too fusion and jazz?

They who havent heard so much these try these cds Tribal Tech - Primal Tracks, Tribal Tech - Thick

Greg Howe,Victor Wooten, Dennis Chambers - Extraction and Vital Tech Tones - Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (You can find these also named by VTT2 and VTT1)
Yes I think a few people here are jazz fans. sometimes i like jazz even more than metal when im not in a 'headbanging' mood. Types include funk (candy dulfer, jackie orsaczky), fusion (centrifugal funk etc), latin (gato barbieri) and smooth (paul hardcastle) ya de ya de ya da, so on and so forth.

Shoot, there are too many to list here. Modern (fusion) guys like Scott Henderson (Tribal Tech, as mentioned above, and solo), Larry Carlton, Al DiMeola, and Mike Stern or more traditional guys like Barney Kessel (RIP), Sonny Sharrock, Kenny Burrell, Wes Montgomery and Charlie Christian, Earl Klugh, and Larry Coryell.

But that's just a jazz guitar listing. There are plenty of other instrumentalists out there worthy of an ear or two - especially Victor Wooten, cuz he'll rip your ears clean off.
I was listening to Vital Tech Tones 1 and 2 fucking good is Wooten :OMG:

Henderson is cool too....blues fusion.

All the Jonas Hellborg/Shawn Lane albums are great too.
Dude, jazz is great... I've been trying to get into playing jazz guitar lately, and MAN, it takes skill. There are a lot of great artists mentioned above, so I'll mention Wes Montgomery and Jimmy Bruno as ones I like.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Dude, jazz is great... I've been trying to get into playing jazz guitar lately, and MAN, it takes skill. There are a lot of great artists mentioned above, so I'll mention Wes Montgomery and Jimmy Bruno as ones I like.

That is true, although I think it's probably easier if you master theory. Considering that alot of jazz guitar is improvised.

Just got back from Rite of Strings
dargormudshark said:
That is true, although I think it's probably easier if you master theory. Considering that alot of jazz guitar is improvised.

Just got back from Rite of Strings
Definately. I'm going to school for jazz guitar next year, so I had to learn a lot of the theory just for the audition. Theory was never a big problem for me, though, so it's not as bad as I act like when I'm bitching.

Thanks for the recommendations in this thread, guys! I didn't know a whole lot of fusion either, and I checked out some of the stuff you suggested and it's awesome!
OfSinsAndShred said:
Definately. I'm going to school for jazz guitar next year, so I had to learn a lot of the theory just for the audition. Theory was never a big problem for me, though, so it's not as bad as I act like when I'm bitching.
I don't know that the theory part is as hard to grab as the "swing" feel. Stirring the soup is the hardest part to me. The hard part dealing with the theory is speed of recall to know what to hit over what changes; but, once you learn a few shapes (especially diminished shapes over the Valt chord), things get much easier. But, if all you do is play shapes all day, some may accuse you of playing Yngwie Jazz. (taking tongue out of cheek)
Yngwie jazz! That's so me, I'm pretty crappy at it so far. Wow, thanks for the term, it's a lot funnier than saying, "I play jazz like such a metalhead." It's frustrating because I understand the theory and everything, but like you said, being able to do it on the fly over quick changes is tough to do.
I all too often just try to blow my way through things with a zillion notes and hope nobody is offended by the dissonance. Not really, but it feels that way sometimes. I guess the easiest thing to work on is to find as many arpeggiations of the ii-Valt-I progression and keep them fresh in your mind so they are easy to whip out at a moment's notice. But I still can't swing for the life of me.
All of your suggestion are great(Greg Howe, Metheny, Tribal Tech) but you guys are forgetting the true kings, scratch that, GODS of fusion/jazz - two men, one yorkshireman and one american(with a strange taste in facial hair!!)
Allan Holdsworth - Greatest guitarist ever? I Think so!!! Check out Secrets, Road Games, All Night Wrong and Metal Fatigue for a lesson in fusion - you'll either want to sell your guitar and just quit or else get some form of surgery to lenghten your fingers(There's some great surgeons who operate in clandestine circles!! I highly recommend a guy called Ernesto Rodriguez - he fixed me up pretty good, my extra fretting finger is healing quite nicely!!!)
Frank Zappa - His contributions to the fields of Jazz, fusion, rock AND classical music are HUGE!! True genius(may he rest in peace)
Other cats(that's so jazz of me!!) worth checking out are CAB(Macalpine RIPS it up here), John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Weather Report(RIP Jaco), Wes Montgomery, Martin Taylor, Charlie Christian, George Benson and Brett Garsed(fusion shred type feely)
A Jazzer here!!! I really like Fusion! There's a lot stuff over there, here is a few names!
Chick Corea
Allan Holdsworth
Jaco Pastorius
Victor Wooten
Pat Metheny
Joe Pass
Greg Howe (awesome)
Miles Davis
Wes Montgomer
Jonh MacLaughin
Jonh Coltrane'
and why not? Frank Gambale

and the Bebop era:
Charlie Parker
Dizzy Gillespie
Charlie Christian