Any "Jazzers"?

Dave the Templar wrote
All of your suggestion are great(Greg Howe, Metheny, Tribal Tech) but you guys are forgetting the true kings, scratch that, GODS of fusion/jazz - two men, one yorkshireman and one american(with a strange taste in facial hair!!)
Allan Holdsworth - Greatest guitarist ever? I Think so!!

I think most people here know the genius of Holdsworth or have been told that they are scum for not knowing of his genius :)
For those that are not aware of the genius that is Holdsworth....get Hard Hat Area and let the scum evaporate from your being.
I reckon these are the ones you should check out.
Greg Howe
Frank Gambale (especially when in GHS)
Al Dimeola
Shawn Lane
Alessandro Benvenuti
Brett Garsed
Prashant Aswani
7 for 4
Mattias Eklundh
Just go to to check out what each sound like.
NGC 3370 said:
I reckon these are the ones you should check out.
Greg Howe
Frank Gambale (especially when in GHS)
Al Dimeola
Shawn Lane
Alessandro Benvenuti
Brett Garsed
Prashant Aswani
7 for 4
Mattias Eklundh
Just go to to check out what each sound like.
I wouldn't call these guys jazzers as much as fusion players. But, fusion is an extension of jazz and we can go ahead and label them as such. I can't say anybody on that list isn't amazing though. I more agree with DestrwidoR list above for more true jazzers.