Any "New wave of American Heavy Metal" bands I should check out?


Feb 14, 2002
I listen to KSE and Shadow's Fall. I heard Lamb of God and I love the music but the vocals get on my nerves after awhile. Any bands out there that have similar vocals to the first two bands I mentioned? The sing/scream style.
LOAroberto said:
I listen to KSE and Shadow's Fall. I heard Lamb of God and I love the music but the vocals get on my nerves after awhile. Any bands out there that have similar vocals to the first two bands I mentioned? The sing/scream style.
deffinately check out Pro-Pain. Act of God and Round 6 are my favoriten albums although the band is not new. but thier sound is very refreshing.
these bands are disgraceful. there are evrything that is wrong with metal these days. You should be listening to the NWOBHM. Nows thats fucking quality lol!!!!
thought i would dl some log to see what all the fuss is about,dount sound to interesting to me,although i quite like what i have heard from killswith engage.
Arg_Hamster said:
I like LoG.
Me too

"The Log Song"
"What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Log, Log, Log! It's Log, Log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Log, Log, it's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a log! You're gonna love it, Log! Come on and get your log! Everyone needs a Log!"​
none of the bands mentioned in this post are worth the piece of gum that gets stuck to your shoe when you stand around in a stadium for a couple of hours.

Sad sad state. I won't go into an old school is better than new school tirade. I do think there are awesome new metal bands. They just aren't any of these bands that are being showcased on headbanger's ball .

Lamb of god are just trying to be pantera with different vocals to appease to the red neck section of old pantera fans.

shadows fall is just boring.

killswitch engage are just one of the many metalcore bands.

Then again, I have never been a huge fan of straight ahead metal. I would much go for thrash, death, black, grind, gore, prog, and power metal over the simplistic rock that bands like pantera or the bands that are coming up these days that worshipped them. I think it wasn't even their music more than the 75% of their fans that were big muscle bound steroed hicks that love to start fights in pits. Those are the same type people that go gaga over Ozzfest:ill: