Any Nothingface fans out there?


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I have recently been listening to this band again, what a great band. Everyday Atrocities is an amazing cd! Kind of a new metal/prog/thrash mix.
I really like Violence a lot also, don't have the new one yet. Anyone have the new one, Skeletons, yet?
They're dreadfully awful. To call them anything but pure nu metal fecal matter is an atrocity to whatever genre you try to put them in.
:lol: I'm almost ashamed......I used to be the # ONE Nothingface fan...I was obsessed with them for a while. I saw them once and met the drummer and thought I could die happy....went to see them again and they supposedly had a wreck or something, anyway, no show, and I was devastated.... I had a Nothingface sticker across the back of my entire windshield (custom), so yes, it was only 2 years ago or so that I still liked them....but I was becoming obsessed with Opeth, THANK GOD, and finally dropped Nothingface, the "last kinda-nu-metal band" that I still was my "transition" phase from crap to Opeth and all other good music........haha oh I feel sorry for myself back then....but at least from the time I really got into metal (14), I didn't ruin my ears with crap for very long, only a couple years.....


Edit: No offense to the person who started this thread :oops:
When did this board get so full of closed minded people who think Mikael A could fart into a microphone and it would be genius, but anything not "true metal" is crap?? I know its all about opinions, but the last two Opeth cds are mediocre for the most part (oh no, that's HERESY on this board!). Nothingface's Everyday Atrocities is a great cd from start to finish. Yes, it's a much different style than Opeth, but it is powerful, engrossing, interesting and emotional stuff. Try listening to music with an open mind every once and a while, you just might be surprised and the great big diverse world that's out there.
dolphz said:
When did this board get so full of closed minded people who think Mikael A could fart into a microphone and it would be genius, but anything not "true metal" is crap?? I know its all about opinions, but the last two Opeth cds are mediocre for the most part (oh no, that's HERESY on this board!). Nothingface's Everyday Atrocities is a great cd from start to finish. Yes, it's a much different style than Opeth, but it is powerful, engrossing, interesting and emotional stuff. Try listening to music with an open mind every once and a while, you just might be surprised and the great big diverse world that's out there.

We're not closed minded. I, for one, listen to just about anything from any genre as long as it sounds good.

The reason no one likes Nothingface is because we have this thing called standards, and Nothingface falls well below the line of goodness that a band must be above to merrit listening.
dolphz said:
When did this board get so full of closed minded people who think Mikael A could fart into a microphone and it would be genius, but anything not "true metal" is crap?? I know its all about opinions, but the last two Opeth cds are mediocre for the most part (oh no, that's HERESY on this board!). Nothingface's Everyday Atrocities is a great cd from start to finish. Yes, it's a much different style than Opeth, but it is powerful, engrossing, interesting and emotional stuff. Try listening to music with an open mind every once and a while, you just might be surprised and the great big diverse world that's out there.
Wow, you are officially on my "Big Fuckhead" list.
First, just because we bashed your shitty ass band, dosn't mean we are close minded in the least. It's called we don't like a band which we think sucks.
So then you decide to retaliate by trying to "offend" the board by your ever so daring comments on Opeths last two albums. As if we really give a shit about the opinion of a little bitch who listens to Nothingface.
Good for Nothingface if their album is "powerful, engrossing, interesting and emotional stuff". If you like it, fine.
Also that last sentence made me want to throw dog shit at you. "We should listen to music with an open mind every once in a while?" What the fuck is this. Once again, we don't listen to this band so we are automatically close minded AND ignorant. You may as well be a person who loves Backstreet Boys, who comes here, praises the worthless band, and says anyone who DOSN'T like it is close minded.
I'm gonna ask you to listen every band that you DISLIKE. I expect to see a blank response.
I heard some stuff they sounded ok.

Numetal is still great to listen to, so what if its popular and trendy, it's not gonna remove 'grim and nekro' points from your metal score.
IanDork107 said:
We're not closed minded. I, for one, listen to just about anything from any genre as long as it sounds good.

most people like you that say that really mean "i listen to anything as long as it's not mainstream". I'm not saying that you are this type of person Ian, i don't know you at all, so don't take this personally; it's just that a lot of people on this board say stuff like that. It's really pathetic how superficial some people on this board can be. This is the problem with metal nowadays: most of the fans are elitist bastards that dismiss anything that is mainstream, and what's even worse is that a board full of educated people, some of which are very intelligent can be so oblivious of this.

go ahead flame away, but it IS true, whether or not you admit it or not.
Most people in general are elitist bastards in favor of whatever thing it is they like the most. I don't, however, happen to be one of those types (at least as far as music). If you wanna see what kinda music I'm about, head to the unofficial UM DC hub (pm me for info if you need it).
dolphz said:
When did this board get so full of closed minded people who think Mikael A could fart into a microphone and it would be genius, but anything not "true metal" is crap?? I know its all about opinions, but the last two Opeth cds are mediocre for the most part (oh no, that's HERESY on this board!). Nothingface's Everyday Atrocities is a great cd from start to finish. Yes, it's a much different style than Opeth, but it is powerful, engrossing, interesting and emotional stuff. Try listening to music with an open mind every once and a while, you just might be surprised and the great big diverse world that's out there.

hey, I don't know if you're ranting at me or not, but.....did I forget to say that I was only stating my personal opinion? well sorry, but that's all it is.....and I meant it when I said, "no offense." I have no problem with what other people like and dislike--to each his own. It's all about personal preference and opinion. Just because I don't like a band doesn't mean that I'm going to say they "suck." If someone likes a band, then obviously that band doesn't suck because, in someone's opinion, they're good. Who has the authority to deem a band good or horrible? No one....

I'm sorry you're pissed..
dolphz said:
When did this board get so full of closed minded people who think Mikael A could fart into a microphone and it would be genius, but anything not "true metal" is crap?? I know its all about opinions, but the last two Opeth cds are mediocre for the most part (oh no, that's HERESY on this board!). Nothingface's Everyday Atrocities is a great cd from start to finish. Yes, it's a much different style than Opeth, but it is powerful, engrossing, interesting and emotional stuff. Try listening to music with an open mind every once and a while, you just might be surprised and the great big diverse world that's out there.

I think that there are TOO many people like YOURSELF professing this type of shit everytime a band that you like gets unfavorable responses! Who do you think that you are blaming others of things like being close minded ESPECIALLY when you have NO IDEA how diverse their listening preferences are and to top it off you're claiming this at a site of a band that requires a person to VERY OPEN minded to give them a try!

In response to your question I thought enough of Nothingface to buy their Violence disc but it didn't hold my interest enough to keep it in a steady rotation which is common with MANY of the discs that I buy including a couple of Opeth discs.