Any Nothingface fans out there?

bleed for me said:
most people like you that say that really mean "i listen to anything as long as it's not mainstream". I'm not saying that you are this type of person Ian, i don't know you at all, so don't take this personally; it's just that a lot of people on this board say stuff like that. It's really pathetic how superficial some people on this board can be. This is the problem with metal nowadays: most of the fans are elitist bastards that dismiss anything that is mainstream, and what's even worse is that a board full of educated people, some of which are very intelligent can be so oblivious of this.

go ahead flame away, but it IS true, whether or not you admit it or not.

I guess that you have most people on this board figured out!! What an AMAZING talent that you have BUT I think that you're pathetic but please go on and keep assuming that you have some special intelect to assume who represents the majority out here.
how about this.

i am an elitist, closed mimded bastard who would like to beat the shit out of most of the nu metal fans i know. fuck off this board and never come back.

*goes off to make fun of anyone who is different*
Well, this has gotten just a bit out of hand. I apologise to anyone who has in fact LISTENED to more than 10 seconds of Nothingface and don't like them. I personally don't understand how anyone could seriously listen to their music and dismiss them as "nu metal fecal matter", or a "shitty ass band", but hey if you really listened to them and thats your opinion, I apologize if I offended you.

If, however, you are one of the many who dismiss bands that you think you know, without really listening to, then you are a close minded elitist mindless snob, and I absolutely intend on offending you!

BLEED FOR ME: Well put, my thoughts exactly.

MORNINGRISE: A little hostile there, eh? I am not trying to "Offend" the board, I love Opeth (check any of my prior posts), I am trying to offend the idiots who bash anything that doesn't live up to their pathetic true metal standards without realizing that other forms of music have equal artistic merit.
And calling me (a 37 year old who probably has a lot more musical exposure than you) "a little bitch who listens to Nothingface" is a little extreme, and pretty pathetic. As far as my musical tastes go, while Backstreet Boys aren't in my collection, I do enjoy everything from Emperor, to ABBA, to Mahler, to Ulver, to Matthew Sweet, to Vader, to Shania Twain, to pretty much ANYTHING you can think of.
Final though-"that last sentence made me want to throw dog shit at you"-boy, you do have a way with words, don't you.

IanDork107: If you really have listened to them and don't like them, of course I respect your opinion and in no way am I inferring that you are closed minded because your tastes are different than mine.

Peace all, even to Morningrise
Puya is surely nu metal. what else you think inspire those syncopated downtuned riffs with screamign over them? there is latin to their sound yes... but don't try to call it something it isn't becuase oxymoronically you like puya but not a lot of nu metal.
IanDork107 said:
Most people in general are elitist bastards in favor of whatever thing it is they like the most. I don't, however, happen to be one of those types (at least as far as music). If you wanna see what kinda music I'm about, head to the unofficial UM DC hub (pm me for info if you need it).

Yea, that's a valid point. Especially when you're talking about people who think anything that is the slightest bit heavy is just noise.
Liquid Tension said:
I guess that you have most people on this board figured out!! What an AMAZING talent that you have BUT I think that you're pathetic but please go on and keep assuming that you have some special intelect to assume who represents the majority out here.

yes, actually i do have an idea of who represents the majority because i've been on this board just as long as you (acutally probably longer, cos this is my second account) and so after looking at all these threads about nu-metal for the past 2 and a half years, i have a pretty fucking good iddea of what majority of the people here are like.

and just like i said before, you can flame me or make sarcastic comments till you hair falls out, but it is still true.

another thing: people who say things like "*insert nu-metal band* doesn't have a shred of talent". Well how do you know this? How do you know whether the music they play shows all the talent they have? Hell they're the ones making lots of money so maybe playing talentless music is worth it. Hell, it beats any other job.
*Giggles at this thread.*

I'm giggling at you.


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I haven't heard Nothingface, by the way.

I find this statement as ignorant as your statement below.

"another thing: people who say things like "*insert nu-metal band* doesn't have a shred of talent". "

"This is the problem with metal nowadays: most of the fans are elitist bastards that dismiss anything that is mainstream"

I also don't care how long you've been out here I still find it impossible to believe that "most" people out here are "elitist" and wouldn't give a "mainstream" band a chance without listening to them. I could be wrong since I don't live out here trolling all the forums but just the basic knowledge that the bands out here are for the people who are more open minded makes my opinion different then yours.
Liquid Tension said:

I find this statement as ignorant as your statement below.

"another thing: people who say things like "*insert nu-metal band* doesn't have a shred of talent". "

"This is the problem with metal nowadays: most of the fans are elitist bastards that dismiss anything that is mainstream"

I also don't care how long you've been out here I still find it impossible to believe that "most" people out here are "elitist" and wouldn't give a "mainstream" band a chance without listening to them. I could be wrong since I don't live out here trolling all the forums but just the basic knowledge that the bands out here are for the people who are more open minded makes my opinion different then yours.

First of all, the first quote isn't even the whole statement i made, read the whole thing in my last post. Hell it doesn't even make sense if you just read what you quoted. [misanthrope]Learn how to quote.[/misanthrope] :p

Just because people listen to progressive metal with lots of styles intertwined in it, does not necessarily make them open-minded. They can be just as close minded as anyone else. The fact that you think people who listen to the bands that people listen to on this board are open-minded (and as you're implying: superior) show's that you're an elitist bastard.

I remember making a thread here about nile, and half the replies were saying how nile are just noise and have no technicality, and the majority of those people admitted that they hadn't heard all the material from the band.

I'm not saying A is better than B, i'm simply pointing out that everything is subjective and opinionated, and many of the people on this board fail to recognize this. Fans of a certain style obviously will say that their style is better than the other styles, so unless you equally like EVERY single genre of music in existance, we can't make anything close to a statement on what something is.
Bumblefoot said:
Puya is surely nu metal. what else you think inspire those syncopated downtuned riffs with screamign over them? there is latin to their sound yes... but don't try to call it something it isn't becuase oxymoronically you like puya but not a lot of nu metal.


well said.
bleed for me said:
The fact that you think people who listen to the bands that people listen to on this board are open-minded (and as you're implying: superior) show's that you're an elitist bastard.

Open minded = superior is even MORE IGNORANT then the other shit you're trying imply out here.

I'm now convinced that compaired to you I should be considered an elite person and hopefully someday you'll finally realize your ignorance and make the proper corrections so that you won't have to feel this way about others.

By the way I've listened to Nile and good for you that you get something out of their music because it's nothing but NOISE to to my ears. :Smug:
dolphz said:
When did this board get so full of closed minded people who think Mikael A could fart into a microphone and it would be genius, but anything not "true metal" is crap?? I know its all about opinions, but the last two Opeth cds are mediocre for the most part (oh no, that's HERESY on this board!). Nothingface's Everyday Atrocities is a great cd from start to finish. Yes, it's a much different style than Opeth, but it is powerful, engrossing, interesting and emotional stuff. Try listening to music with an open mind every once and a while, you just might be surprised and the great big diverse world that's out there.
Whatever youi think about Opeth's last two Cd's ("being mediocre") is your opinion however ignorant..Please don't compare Opeth to the lowly nu metal crap that NothingFace writes.NothingFace are gawd awful, and there are soo many death metal bands that are far more technical and creative compared to NothingFace..Nu metal is NOT metal..-l-
Liquid Tension said:
Open minded = superior is even MORE IGNORANT then the other shit you're trying imply out here.

I'm now convinced that compaired to you I should be considered an elite person and hopefully someday you'll finally realize your ignorance and make the proper corrections so that you won't have to feel this way about others.

By the way I've listened to Nile and good for you that you get something out of their music because it's nothing but NOISE to to my ears. :Smug:
Nile is nothing but noise..? What nu metal board did you crawl from under..Nile are technically superior to NothingFace and the nu metal crap that you listen to..Nile's solos and diminished appregios are godly and thier drummer KILLS..
Nile are excellent American death metal case closed..Maybe you don't like Death metal,, but Opeth are a death metal band, and many of thier fans listen to DEATH metal..
Perhaps you jumped on Opeth's bandwagon right out of your nu metal diapers..
deathbearer said:
Nile is nothing but noise..? What nu metal board did you crawl from under..Nile are technically superior to NothingFace and the nu metal crap that you listen to..Nile's solos and diminished appregios are godly and thier drummer KILLS..
Nile are excellent American death metal case closed..Maybe you don't like Death metal,, but Opeth are a death metal band, and many of thier fans listen to DEATH metal..
Perhaps you jumped on Opeth's bandwagon right out of your nu metal diapers..

Your assumptions are very funny thanks for the laugh and it's obvious that you're still in diapers.......

I wrote earlier that I didn't listen to Nothingface very much after trying their violence disc and I NEVER said anything about Nile not being technical! I just said that it comes off as a bunch of noise to me that I didn't find worth listening too. If you don't like it TOO BAD!!!!

Why is it that some of you people feel the need to assume all of these wild ideas about myself and other users? Does it make you feel superior making all of these ignorant assumption? Now if anyone wants to know what a BIG problem that these types of forums have it's people like this! "CASE CLOSED" hahahahahaha
Liquid Tension said:
Your assumptions are very funny thanks for the laugh and it's obvious that you're still in diapers.......

I wrote earlier that I didn't listen to Nothingface very much after trying their violence disc and I NEVER said anything about Nile not being technical! I just said that it comes off as a bunch of noise to me that I didn't find worth listening too. If you don't like it TOO BAD!!!!

Why is it that some of you people feel the need to assume all of these wild ideas about myself and other users? Does it make you feel superior making all of these ignorant assumption? Now if anyone wants to know what a BIG problem that these types of forums have it's people like this! "CASE CLOSED" hahahahahaha
Haha..You are actually ignorant to fall for the NU metal formula and you bought a NothingFace disc..Yet, you call true death metal to the likes of Nile, "noise"..Change yur diapers kid..