Any Nothingface fans out there?

deathbearer said:
Haha..You are actually ignorant to fall for the NU metal formula and you bought a NothingFace disc..Yet, you call true death metal to the likes of Nile, "noise"..Change yur diapers kid..

"true death metal" hahahahahaha

Maybe in your play pen you are speaker of what is true and what isn't but I've been listening to MUCH better death metal for over 10 years now. Nile should be called true noise core..........
Bleed for me,

Is it safe to say the deathbearer person is one of those typical nu-metal bashing fools that you're angry about?
I say yes. he said "true death metal" "ignorant", and "nu metal formula".

You can keep pretending and telling everyone that all nu metal sucks, but the fact is, not all of it does, like with any genre. It just makes you look dumber when you bash an an entire genre at once with only the word "formula" as your argument.
Bumblefoot said:
I say yes. he said "true death metal" "ignorant", and "nu metal formula".

You can keep pretending and telling everyone that all nu metal sucks, but the fact is, not all of it does, like with any genre. It just makes you look dumber when you bash an an entire genre at once with only the word "formula" as your argument.
I would mutch rather listen to creatice death metal to the likes of Nile, Opeth, Necrophagist, Death ect as these bands musicianship truly crushes that of NOTHINGFACE and the downtuned NIOSE that is considered nu metal.
LIQUIDTENSION: Get real Nile are one of the best American death metal bands on the planet and your purchase of NothingFACe is not metal..NU METAL is not metal..Nothing face is perhaps hard rock compared to many death bands..Stop watching MTV you poser..Nile crushes Nothing Face..Go back to the mall..
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deathbearer said:
LIQUIDTENSION: Get real Nile are one of the best American death metal bands on the planet and your purchase of NothingFACe is not metal..NU METAL is not metal..Nothing face is perhaps hard rock compared to many death bands..Stop watching MTV you poser..Nile crushes Nothing Face..Go back to the mall..

I'm sorry that you have so much trouble understanding what I've stated earlier and that is I didn't find Nothingface to be a worth while band to listen too! So what if I bought one of their disc and I don't listen to it. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it!

I don't understand why you keep implying all these things about me. I asked you a question why you keep making this stuff up and since you have neglected to respond to my question I will assume that you're too stupid to understand why you imply the things that you do. Again I'm left to say that hopefully you'll realize how ignorant you look doing this and hopefully you'll grow out of it so that we can have a better discussion on the future.
haha Deathbearer you are too funny :p you DO know no one here is going to take you seriously when you're obviously so elitist and proud to be underground haha

I FUCKING LISTEN TO DEATH METAL... i have TONS of death metal albums... and just so you know Cryptopsy and Suffocation (and decapitated... the first album anyway) for me is miles better than Nile. Nile is pretty good... but i don't get all the craze about them. Don't give me the "creative, technical" bullshit. I fuckin know. But sometimes you wanna lean back, headbang at a medium pace and groove with the music... and Nothingface does that a LOT better than Nile. Go ahead and deny if you like, but i don't really think your opinions are all that valid since most of all you just show a hatred for nu metal and haven't really said anything intelligent yet.
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Bumblefoot said:
Don't give me the "creative, technical" bullshit. I fuckin know. But sometimes you wanna lean back, headbang at a medium pace and groove with the music... and Nothingface does that a LOT better than Nile.

Well said! I don't understand the "(whatever band) is nu-metal, therefore they are not true metal, therefore they suck" argument. All bands/musicians should be taken for what they are, there are times I want to listen to Naglfar, there are times I want to listen to Nothingface, there are times I want to listen to Faith Hill. Music can be such a diverse experience, why not enjoy it all??
Liquid Tension said:
Open minded = superior is even MORE IGNORANT then the other shit you're trying imply out here.

I'm now convinced that compaired to you I should be considered an elite person and hopefully someday you'll finally realize your ignorance and make the proper corrections so that you won't have to feel this way about others.

By the way I've listened to Nile and good for you that you get something out of their music because it's nothing but NOISE to to my ears. :Smug:

uhhmm....are you fucking retard? READ my fucking posts PROPERLY before replying. Don't just scan through them. If you read them again you'll see that I said that YOU are implying that open minded=superior. And if you read my last post properly again, you'll realize that i'm saying that YOU think that people hear are open-minded because they listen to the bands mentioned on this forum.

And about deathbearer, YES, he was exactly what i was talking about. It's cool how he showed up just in time to give an example of what i was talking about. :cool:

Now bumblefoot knows what he's talking about, read his last post.

*note, when reading this post, read it THOROUGHLY, and note the words in CAPITALS
bleed for me said:
uhhmm....are you fucking retard? READ my fucking posts PROPERLY before replying. Don't just scan through them. If you read them again you'll see that I said that YOU are implying that open minded=superior. And if you read my last post properly again, you'll realize that i'm saying that YOU think that people hear are open-minded because they listen to the bands mentioned on this forum.

I read your posts and replied to them properly. It looks as though you're the one having trouble understanding my posts and implying what you THINK I'm saying is what really is RETARDED here! So how about you stop acting like one of these shallow people that you're so upset with and STOP coming out here presuming such wild assumptions. I mean come on your assumption that I'm implying that MOST people out here who are open minded is just ANOTHER way of saying that I think they are superior is WRONG. This is just as bad as deathboy refurring to me as a nu-metal mtv fan. We both want this type of behavior to stop out here and just because your message is alittle different your presentation is JUST AS BAD!