Anybody here ever notices this cycle?

I just can't stand songs like Livin After Midnight and Breakin the Law. Those are just silly simple rock songs. I don't see much of what Priest did holding a candle to Revalations, Rhyme of the Ancient MAriner, Phantom of the Opera, Killers, Powerslave, Transylvannia, Where Eagles Dare, HALLOWED BE THY NAME! There are tons more. I don't see them being equal. I know it boils down to taste, but for me, Maiden = 10xPriest
Makes me wanna trade in British Steel for a Maiden album.
I've essentially listened to the same bands I've always listened to, but with my tastes expanding rather than changing. Usually if I lose interest in a band its because of the direction the band has taken, and not the one I have regarding music.
:lol: @ Necuratul's absurd Venom worship.

Do you really think Venom put more effort into songwriting than either Priest or Maiden? I thought their main gimmick was just that they were louder and more cacophonous than everything else at the time (besides writing a few catchy tunes here and there).