Anyone bootlegging the Australian shows?


Gravity Eyelids
Jan 29, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
A friend of mine will be taking his MD with us to the Melbourne show, since The Corner is pro-bootlegs, so we'll have no trouble getting it inside. The only problem is that he's never properly bootlegged before... we'll get a good MD recording, but anything beyond that will be all ametuer. So, are there any experienced bootleggers that will be at any of the Australian shows?
I'll try and bring my video camera in, but I have trouble keepin my hands steady for such a long period of time, so probably won't tape the whole thing. I taped Pungent Stench earlier in the year and it came out really well (although I am not a fan).
Wilhelm Klink said:
I'll try and bring my video camera in, but I have trouble keepin my hands steady for such a long period of time, so probably won't tape the whole thing. I taped Pungent Stench earlier in the year and it came out really well (although I am not a fan).

get a tripod, always comes in handy
Had I got around to purchasing a Zen jukebox by now I woulda defenitely given it a shot, but cos I'm so poor after airfares and all, it'll have to wait a few month after I get bac..... oh well. :(
i might bootleg the brisbane show, but i'm not sure what equipment would produce a good quality bootleg.
Here's a few tips for you, I've been recording shows for almost 4 years with pretty good results.
Getting a good audience recording isn't as easy as you think.

1. Always use fresh batteries, or fully charge your MD and make sure you carry a spare set.

2. Test you unit at home or outside the gig, make sure everything is working before the show.

2. Set your recording levels a little below the highest level, if you don't your recording will be distotorted and almost impossible to clean up.
It dosen't matter too much if your recording level is too low, you can always boost it when you transfer the recording to your computer.

3. Make sure you have a decent mic, this is most important. Most MD are pretty much the same in quality, the mic can make the difference bewtween a good recording and a not so good.
Use the one's that clip on to your jacket, never use a hand held mic. They aren't made for this type of thing, you'll get a sore arm, bumped and probably busted.

4. Stand well back, centre stage, even better is near the soundboard, this is usually the best place in the house for sound.

5. Avoid standing in crowds where there is lots of talking, your mic will pic this up and therefore spoil your recording. If you are crowded all the bumps you get from people will also show up on your recording.

6. Stand as still as you can, don't sing, scream up clap too much, as again this will be on your recording.

You learn yourself from experience on how to get a great recording, these are just a few tips I've learnt :)

When your transferring your recording to computer, record it to HD using Soundforge or Cool Edit, record the whole thing at once, then split the songs up. Then you can add some EQ or whatever to boost the sound. I usually leave it as it is.

Hope this helps, if you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask :)

gaz - an Aussie who wishes he was in oz to see Opeth...

My equipment:
Sharp MD-MT 15 recorder (my advise is get one that uses disposable batteries and not a rechargable unit)
Sony MD with rechargable units are notorius for fucking up/recharge units dying.
Sony ECM-717 stereo digital mic.
Well the MD is the cheapest portable digital recorder on the market. You can get discontinued/older models are under $300 AUS. They are great value for money, the mic can add an extra $100 or so.
The alternates are not great, a portable DAT will cost you around $1500.
Don't even bother using a portable cassette recorder, the results aren't worth the effort, I know this from experience:).
jesus... ok, say i buy a MD
after i use it for the concert are they much use to me afterwards? are they better than say... a regular discman?
To be honest, I only use my MD for recording live shows, nothing else really.
But if you get one of those Sony Net MD's, you can put all your mp3's on them etc.
They are kind of expensive though, as they are new on the market.

Good luck with the recording, test everything before you go to the show, get used to using the unit in the dark, at the venue you won't be able to see much, practice changing discs.

Finally make sure you hide the unit when entering the venue, you know that place to put it?
Some venues will give you a quick frisk over, so they will notice bulky items in your pockets.
Keep your batteries, spare discs, mic is different pockets.

If all this sounds too much or a pain in the ass, then it probably is, but it's all worth it when you get a great recording.

Oh if you need any more help ask away, i am also happy to provide artwork if you need it.
yes..I would be very interested in purchasing a bootleg from any show in Australia..if anyone can help me here..please send me a pm message or reply to this post ..definitely one of the best metal shows/bands I have ever seen..and would love this on video to be reminded!

I am sad now they have gone :-( I wish I went around Australia to see them
Yes, I too would like a copy of your bootleg as well. I have the London 2003 show plus some cool VCD's coming my way (ie: Paris 2001 VCD \m/!!), so pm if you want to trade.

Btw Gaz, do you have a website or a list of all your bootlegs?

And also, do you use a battery pack?
Melbourne was DEFINITELY bootleged (I forgot to ge the guys name :oops: ) And I think the Brissy one was too......