Anyone bootlegging the Australian shows?

gaz said:
To be honest, I only use my MD for recording live shows, nothing else really.
But if you get one of those Sony Net MD's, you can put all your mp3's on them etc.
They are kind of expensive though, as they are new on the market.

Good luck with the recording, test everything before you go to the show, get used to using the unit in the dark, at the venue you won't be able to see much, practice changing discs.

Finally make sure you hide the unit when entering the venue, you know that place to put it?
Some venues will give you a quick frisk over, so they will notice bulky items in your pockets.
Keep your batteries, spare discs, mic is different pockets.

If all this sounds too much or a pain in the ass, then it probably is, but it's all worth it when you get a great recording.

Oh if you need any more help ask away, i am also happy to provide artwork if you need it.

I have one, it wasn't that expensive - comparable with an MP3 player for example. It was £180 sterling a while ago, so they'll be evn cheaper now...