Anyone had similar happen?


Dec 10, 2006
This is just my luck.

I fly halfway across the world from Australia to the USA.

I fly across the USA from Phoenix to Boston to see Dream Theater.

Dream Theater announce their first ever tour to Australia.

Anyone had anything similar happen?

PS-I did see Pagan's Mind at progpower too, wonder if i'll get the same effect.
Oh yes.
See, you have to activate Murphy's Law or else you'd just wait forever. If you had not taken that action, but kept waiting, then the Australian tour would not have been announced. Only by giving in and taking your action were you able to give fate the prompting it needed to stick its tongue out at you.
Not quite on your scale, but I live outside Atlanta and bought tickets for HammerFall and Death in New Orleans (about a ten hour drive...). About a week after I bought the tickets they added an Atlanta Date. Oh well, went to New Orleans anyway.
As RagePSV said, not on the same scale, but Nick (DemonOfTheWoods) and I have a similar Queensryche story. When the Mindcrime I & II entirety tour was announced, only two dates in Orlando, FL at the House of Blues were initially announced. (We live in Baltimore, MD about halfway up the U.S. east coast from there.) He and I (and his mom) immediately bought tickets, airfare and booked a hotel, for fear that these might be the only dates on the tour. Operation Mindcrime is one of Nick's, mine and his mom's all-time favorite albums (and Nick and I both really loved the new MCII album), so to see both albums played live in entirety was something we did not want to miss. About a week or so after we booked everything for the FL show, the rest of the U.S. tour dates were announced, including one in Baltimore at Ram's Head Live and one in D.C. (about 45 minutes away) at the 9:30 Club. Needless to say, we ended up seeing Queensryche 3 times on that tour. :headbang:
I'll be flying to Germany next week to see a Porcupine Tree show - of course a few days after I booked the flights they announced their first two ever club shows here in Finland. Oh well, seeing them 3 times in 12 days will be awesome and thanks to the German show I will have a one week vacation in Germany too :)
I've had it happen several times. Most recently with the G3 tour. I was stationed in Japan and never had a chance to get back on leave to see it. 2 Weeks after we got back to the states, Satriani announced the first G3 Japan shows in Tokyo.

When moving back to the states in 04, I landed in L.A. 2 days after the Nightwish show at their House Of Blues. Then went to Orlando 2 days after that HOB show, and drove up to South Carolina 2 days after their Myrtle Beach show.

Crap this happens to me way too much :(