anyone heard any of the new korn songs?

i love how you're all so judgmental. if you haven't given it a chance, you can't really knock it. they might have gone 180, i don't know.

i don't like their old stuff, but i won't comment on what i have not yet heard, that's just ignorant.
I was watching Headbanger's Ball the other night (I usually tape it on the DVR and then zip over the crap videos - takes me about 30 minutes to watch a 2 hour show). I like to remind myself on a weekly basis why exactly I don't like today's versions of metal. Then I saw the "Twisted Transistor" video for Korn. Man was that just bad. :yuk:

I used to like Korn's earlier stuff - the first album. I actually used to play them on my radio show in college 8 years ago before I'd ever heard of Opeth. But now they are just horrible. Sorry dude - you picked the wrong board.

But listen to whatever you want. I rolled up to work today listening to Billy Joel. :headbang:
Their debut album is still a really good album but everything that was realeased after 1994 is nothing but crap! (Only "Issues" included some interesting songs...)

The band destroyed himself over the years...
BTW: No, I didn't heard one of the new songs and I don't spend a minute thinking about their quality...:zzz:
I don't like Korn.. I did when I was 12.. But I agree with Heckelgruber..

As much as we may hate them for it, they basically invented a new genre that many people love today. So good on 'em for that.
I don't like Korn.. I did when I was 12.. But I agree with Heckelgruber..

As much as we may hate them for it, they basically invented a new genre that many people love today. So good on 'em for that.
Apart from the complete lack of musical integrity, the fake angst, the whoring of themselves to teen magazines, the childish lyrics, the downtuned nu-metal jumpdafuck up songs, the fact the guitarest left his scary 'metal' band to suck off jesus, and overall gayness, they are a pretty good band:)
Though I hate to admit this...had it not been for the "nu metal" revolution...I doubt that any decent bands would still be around gigging extensively. Nu metal was a life life thrown to metal...just check the amount of kids you see at gigs...bands wouldnt be able to survive of "the true" and actually make a living of them. Yes, I agree that korn sucks...but check it, people into korn are into opeth...where they into opeth when they started listening to korn, or was korn a way to get into opeth? Ok, I'm done now.

I don't think they were THAT crappy, I used to like them when their debut and Life Is Peachy came out (I was around 13 years), and have listened to their later albums too, Follow the leader and Issues had some good moments too, though today everything they did is far from my taste... the last two sucked pretty badly, and the new song is utter garbage. Someone mentioned Britney Spears as an exaggerated reference point, but the new song (Twisted Transistor or something) really sounds like a Britney Spears tune! I'm not kidding! Listen to it (if you're able) and imagine it without the "heavy" guitars, the rhythm and "melody" and everything is just like any Britney or other pop tune.
I haven't heard any "new stuff," but I've heard all of their albums through untouchables in their entirety. They always struck me as having much more integrity than the majority of the "nu-metal" bands, though they aren't nearly as technically adept as Mudvayne or Slipknot. They really were incredibly innovative, and a lot of the bizarre sounds they produced (lots of whammy pedal, wah, etc on 'lead,' dissonant lines over the downtuned seven strings and always slapped bass) really still remain their sound alone, only blatant ripoff bands have ever sounded like that. Sure maybe it's cause it's a crappy sound, but they are definitely unique. The guitar interplay on songs like "Twist" is really just bizarre and I often wonder how they came up with that stuff, cause as far as I know there's no one else that sounded even remotely like that that they could have used for inspiration. Were they the first band to use 7 strings at all? Or just the first to bring any exposure to the instrument? I seem to remember Steve Vai using one now and then in the late 80s/early 90s, but maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway I actually think a fair amount of Korn's output is decent. I don't pay attention to the lyrics at all and can generally ignore the vocalist, I just like their grindy clunking sound some days. I have to be in the mood for them, but I would definitely never dismiss them as crap (yes, they have undeniably crappy songs here and there, I won't deny that). And I think their second to last album (Untouchables) actually showed the start of some musical maturity, they had acoustic guitars and more complex layering and lead lines and everything. Granted, based on what I heard of their last one (that stupid "yall want a single say fuck that"), it was a huge step backwards. So whatever. But I definitely don't dismiss them outright. It's obviously the "cool" thing to do.

Generally, with a few exceptions (like...SOULFLY, god max cavalera got terrible), I still like everything I liked in middle/high school. I can remember liking it and remember why I liked it, and just because I've heard stuff that's more complex and mature and good since then doesn't mean I can't still get a kick out of it. Abandoning old tastes just seems like evidence of being a huge poseur, like really do you just stop liking something when you hear something else that's better? With me it is just like OH THAT IS EVEN BETTER SO GENERALLY I WILL LISTEN TO IT INSTEAD, BUT I STILL LIKE WHAT I LIKED BEFORE!

So in conclusion I'll download this new album sometime, but it does sound like the single's pretty terrible :D
wankerness said:
Generally, with a few exceptions (like...SOULFLY, god max cavalera got terrible), I still like everything I liked in middle/high school. I can remember liking it and remember why I liked it, and just because I've heard stuff that's more complex and mature and good since then doesn't mean I can't still get a kick out of it. Abandoning old tastes just seems like evidence of being a huge poseur, like really do you just stop liking something when you hear something else that's better? With me it is just like OH THAT IS EVEN BETTER SO GENERALLY I WILL LISTEN TO IT INSTEAD, BUT I STILL LIKE WHAT I LIKED BEFORE!

Right on, Wankerness! Nice tabs, btw!
wankerness said:
Were they the first band to use 7 strings at all? Or just the first to bring any exposure to the instrument? I seem to remember Steve Vai using one now and then in the late 80s/early 90s, but maybe I'm wrong.

Actually, they've been in use since the 1800s (usually tuned to an open G major chord), and then with jazz guitarists in the early 1900s (using the lower bass string). But yeah, the modern seven-string electric was really introduced by Steve Vai and Ibanez in the early 1990s.
I've seen Korn several times. I liked the 1st few albums when they came out, but can't listen to them anymore.

They seem to be making albums just to please their label ??? They no longer bring anything to the table. Time to hang it up boys
I've only heard one of their new songs - Twisted Transistor (awful,'trying to be funny' video). It's immensely simple and just bores the hell out of me. Johnny D has one of the most awful voices i've ever heard. Sure i used to adore korn, but then i grew up and realised they were just generally terrible. They really should call it a day.
angelofdeath9308 said:
like I said, why dont you try saying something beneficial to the discussion, instead of whining that korn is krap, or that korn sucks. Next time think before you post, and maybe I'll consider having at least some respect for you.

Its funny, because no one wants respect from you.
Korn is my favorite band. Well, they are tied for first with Opeth. I still have to listen to the new album some more before I can form an opinion, but it's definitely their most experimental to date. I know they were heavily influenced by NIN on this album and it definitely shows on Tearjerker although I didn't like that song too much. Jonathan's singing is weird on this track. I give him props for trying something new though. There are much better tracks on the album, but I have to listen to it a few more times.
FRUGiHOYi said:
Korn is my favorite band. Well, they are tied for first with Opeth. I still have to listen to the new album some more before I can form an opinion, but it's definitely their most experimental to date. I know they were heavily influenced by NIN on this album and it definitely shows on Tearjerker although I didn't like that song too much. Jonathan's singing is weird on this track. I give him props for trying something new though. There are much better tracks on the album, but I have to listen to it a few more times.

Opeth and Korn? Fuckin' kill me. You suck bro.