anyone heard any of the new korn songs?

If it was my english bothering you (obviosly i wouldnt notice), my only learning sources has been tv and videogames :p.. If what i wrote was incorrect im still sure of that you understood it.
When I see replies like "fuck off" or "you suck," it make me wonder if metalheads are really that ignorant and intolerant of people with differing opinions. I know though, that this is only a small minority, but what sucks is that they give metalheads a bad image, which is why so many people think they are brainless drunken idiots.

I didn't expect hostility when I started this thread, its like a fucking nazi state in here, anything not on par with Opeth is hated. Or maybe it is just a bandwagon thing, like "hmm, in order to be considered metal, I should hate everything mainstream, and just everything in general." Whatever the reason for the insults, I will not fuck off, or leave because a couple people hate Korn, I'll keep posting, hoping to get at least remotely intelligent responses.
I feel sorry for you thinking that you would get serious responses from creating this thread in this forum... if you didn't expect hostility then I pity you

& also expecting intelligent responses about this Korn topic.......
by intelligent, I mean responces that do not involve insults. It is alright to hate korn, at least give reasons why (some people did), and not "korn is shit." That tells me nothing.

But then again, maybe this is too high of a standard.
@Dishcloth: well, since their album Issues the majority of their songs is about someting completely different than what his father did ... :p perhaps you should dubblecheck things before you say shit.

and oh well, if Korn and Slipknot and Deftones and whatever wouldn't be as famous, and wouldn't have been responsable for so much crappy bands following them, and wouldn't have created a hype around the year 2000, then people would talk less shit about them. people are so determined by what society, or what a certain group they follow tells them to think ...
I admit I still like Slipknot, and Korn and Deftones ... but of course it is totally different music, it's not metal at all of course ... but oh well, why discuss this??? it's been done a million times before!

but honestly: you should have known that these kind of responses were going to be the only responses you would get ... this is after all a forum filled with people who either only listen to metal or either are those kind of people that think they know everything about music and can name a couple of hundreds progbands ... you should have known not a good word about a band like Korn would come along then ...
Gather round kids...

I used to listen to Korn way back in aught-6, when I was a pubescent (I was gonna say pre-pubescent, but then I realized I smelled bad and had acne when I listened to Korn..) little 12 year old. They were the first band that really grabbed my attention. "Holy shit, this is music? That's kinda cool..."
Before Korn I watched MTV once in a while, liked some of the videos and songs involved, and was a fan of rap. Not even good rap. I'm talking Puff Daddy, Mase, etc.
Before Korn I literally did not know how a guitar was played, because I didn't care. I did not know you had to hold down the strings on different frets to produce different notes. I think the first Korn song that I liked a lot was Got the Life. I remember seeing that shit on TRL... I WATCHED TRL. It did well. It beat out the Backstreet Boys and all that dumb shit. There was never a moment where I thought "This is too mainstream, there's gotta be something better if I dig through the surface."
Then my friend Josh started listening to some of his dad's CDs. Namely Iron Maiden. Before this, he liked Korn too. To make a long story short, we call HIM Maiden now. We've both been Iron Maiden fanatics since I was about... 12 years old, I guess. After I realized what else you could do with a guitar, I was basically in fuck Korn mode.

But I appreciate what they did for me. I had a good time liking them in my ignorance back when I did. They introduced me to rock. Yeah, they're rock. Not the kind of rock most of you guys are accustomed to, but they rock. Do they rock with skill?... No. But they do have a unique sound that's sometimes worth listening to. If most of you guys listened to a Korn album and Limp Bizkit album back to back, there would probably be a few more positive comments about Korn here.

As for those people who loather Korn just for the "selling out, too commercial, made for pubescent boys" factor, well, to each his own there. I don't even like Korn, but I would own 0 Opeth albums without them.
angelofdeath9308 said:
When I see replies like "fuck off" or "you suck," it make me wonder if metalheads are really that ignorant and intolerant of people with differing opinions. I know though, that this is only a small minority, but what sucks is that they give metalheads a bad image, which is why so many people think they are brainless drunken idiots.

I didn't expect hostility when I started this thread, its like a fucking nazi state in here, anything not on par with Opeth is hated. Or maybe it is just a bandwagon thing, like "hmm, in order to be considered metal, I should hate everything mainstream, and just everything in general." Whatever the reason for the insults, I will not fuck off, or leave because a couple people hate Korn, I'll keep posting, hoping to get at least remotely intelligent responses.
You think you're a metalhead for listening to Korn. Lol. And no, the Opeth forum likes other good music. Examples:

November's Doom


Anyways, I hate your opinion.
FRUGiHOYi said:
And one more thing, I despise people who claim to be fans of a band or a style of music and the next day they start hating on it because it is not cool to like it anymore. If you were never into Korn's sound that's cool, but people like Tubbs make me sick because they are the biggest posers (and I hate that word, never use it). I grew up on Korn and I still love them to death even if I have expanded my tastes to include a lot more different music. Oh well, at least you abandoned Korn before Take a Look in the Mirror as I will admit that was their weakest album. The new one is interesting though.

Thanks. I appreciate the comments. Stereotyping bastard. Korn sucks, get used to it. (sorry guys I'm not good with people saying crap like that about me)
Everyone needs to chill out and stop being so sensitive. My god it feels like an emo convention in here. So people think one of your favorite bands suck. Who cares. Listen to them anyways. This is a fucking forum on the internet, if it affects your life that much than maybe you need to start contemplating suicide while listening to some Hawthorne Heights.