Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

I usually wouldn't get a tattoo of a band's name or insignia. But the Opeth "O" is too awesome not to have on my shoulder/bicep.
I know it's been done before but I cant be fucked wading through the hundreds of pages.
I'm specificaly looking for pictures of people with the 'O' tattood on their backs, as well as the Emperor 'E' (or even the whole word) as I myself am very keen to get either, just not sure which one yet.
Cheers to anyone who can help.

(I know theres pics of opeth tatts on the site, but my explorer is fucked up and i can't view thumbnails)


sorry if it's too big..

im not good with tech shit...
i think mines the best... cos it's mine...

i think if i put orchids on my arm around the O it would look kinda emo/hardcore

done properly it could be great... but on a chick is better i reckon
I want to get another Opeth tattoo (as I already have the "O") but am stuck for ideas. Seems that their logo is the only thing us fans get tattooed.
Therefore I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of a lyric, song title, etc that would look good when represented as a picture/tattoo design?
you're going to take suggestions, from this forum, for something permanently scarred into your body? :err:

my Opeth tattoo is in my ears. don't need to display it, when i discuss them with people it's obvious enough that i'm a fan.
I just thought somebody out there may suggest something that sounds cool that I could develop into something I like - I wouldn't get something tattooed just because someone suggested it.
Also I don't just display my tattoo to show i'm a fan; and as i've got over 50 tattoos no one tattoo stands out predominantly anyway. It's just for me really - I like it.