Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

Hey man... I would suggest taking a theme inspired from the Blackwater Park cover... that whole kind of merky fog swamp thing... but blackwater park does it so well because its all very tasteful/subtle and not in your face...i would look to the art on that album for inspiration...moreover there are some great lyrics on that album too...
TattooAnt said:
I just thought somebody out there may suggest something that sounds cool that I could develop into something I like - I wouldn't get something tattooed just because someone suggested it.
Also I don't just display my tattoo to show i'm a fan; and as i've got over 50 tattoos no one tattoo stands out predominantly anyway. It's just for me really - I like it.

"Your memory's nothing but the scars on me" from Deliverance. That would be cool.
Remember the guy from the opeth page who tatooed (no idea how to write this;) ) the whole "Sick liasions raised this monumental mark, the sun sets forever..." phrase on his back? That was amazing!
Maybe you can take this bridge (or whatever it is) from the "Morningrise album? Would be great.
I will never, ever tattoo a band name, band reference, sporting team logo or girlfriend name/reference on my body.
TattooAnt said:
I want to get another Opeth tattoo (as I already have the "O") but am stuck for ideas. Seems that their logo is the only thing us fans get tattooed.
Therefore I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of a lyric, song title, etc that would look good when represented as a picture/tattoo design?


If you're going to get tattooed again, FINE.
But your design goes with your beliefs, feelings and shits like that = IT'S PERSONAL!!!
I do have the 'O' too, just like 10.000000 other people, so who gives a flying fuck about it? My feelings aren't the same as you, for example.
Listen some of their records, we all have different prefferences in songs, choose the one which likes you the most and get inked.

For fuck's sake how can you ask for suggestions for something which is PERSONAL??? That's what I don't understand.
Opeth or not, band tattoos are fucking stupid.
When this band changed your point of view on music, I think it's okay. The Opeth Logo looks great, so when you're 40 and don't like the Band anymore, you simply have a nice logo on your skin...

But as EVH316 said, i'd also never tatooo the name of my girlfriend on my skin.