Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

Technically, I wouldn't do it. Like the above statement, you might not like it... and tattoo removal is painful. Besides that, I would rather buy the new Opeth album than get a tat.

It's not about the tattoos or the piercings... what makes a metalhead is what's inside.
It's only partly because of the fact that it says Opeth, mostly to do with the fact that I think It's a brilliant piece of artwork and would just make a really nice tattoo. That's not to say I dont love Opeth. I dont know though, maybe you're right and it is a bit fanboyish (something which I'm certainly not) From simply an artistic, rather than a sentimental point of view, would it make a nice tattoo?*Edit* After looking at the tattoos on the site, maybe just the O would be a better idea. seeing as obviously most of the art resides in that part. hmmm
i think the O looks really cool...
if i got it done... (got 2 tats now, 3rd one planned, this would be 4th) i would get the blackwater park style logo looks sort of like it's made of twigs or reeds... really nice.
go for it.
if you like it fuck everyone else's 2 cents.
After rethinking this topic, i came to a conlusion.

Maybe you could get just the Orchid from the album cover...that way its still artistic, and bears the opeth meaning for you, and later on down the line it will still be a nice looking tattoo regardless of your status as a fan or the band itself. :p
Beth, a user on these forums, had a nice one done on her back, search it as she posted them on here last spring/summer time.
I've thought of getting certain band imagery tattooed on me, but more because I like the imagery with and beyond the music, but havnt got anything done yet. Don't think getting Opeth's name tattoo'd on you is a very good idea though. I disgress...
theres heaps on













Darkness Eternal said:
Beth, a user on these forums, had a nice one done on her back, search it as she posted them on here last spring/summer time.

her tats are on as well.
well, i've decided i'm getting the O tattooed on my right calf.
i wouldn't want the whole logo, because years down the line, it will just look like a really nice piece of art, as many have said before. also when i'm 70, i doubt i'll listen to opeth, although my good friend swears by the fact he'll like metal to the grave haha.
it's gonna be a fucking hot tatoo.
My uncle had slayer and metallica tatoos done when he was 16 and now he hates them. I'm sure when you were younger you listened to stuff you think is shit now. Imagine if you used to listen to pop and got a massive tatoo of Britney spears done because at the time you thought you were going to listen to that music for the rest of your life. Hmmm bad idea in my opinion getting band tatoos.
Delivered said:
It's only partly because of the fact that it says Opeth, mostly to do with the fact that I think It's a brilliant piece of artwork and would just make a really nice tattoo. That's not to say I dont love Opeth. I dont know though, maybe you're right and it is a bit fanboyish (something which I'm certainly not) From simply an artistic, rather than a sentimental point of view, would it make a nice tattoo?

Aside from being the Opeth symbol, it doesn't have any meaning. A symbol without meaning is not art. You mean from an aesthetic standpoint, not an artistic one. Something's artistic value is not decided by how "nice" it looks. This post is really pointless in relation to the topic, but I get anal about these things.
if id ever get a band tattoo, i would never tattoo the bands name, because in 30 years, that might come back to haunt you. id get something loosely associated with the band (for example, the 3 headed spear, and kalmah). and id make sure that the band has stopped putting out albums. id hate being stuck with and in flames, or soilwork tattoos right now.
Gin_from_the_bottle said:
if id ever get a band tattoo, i would never tattoo the bands name, because in 30 years, that might come back to haunt you. id get something loosely associated with the band (for example, the 3 headed spear, and kalmah). and id make sure that the band has stopped putting out albums. id hate being stuck with and in flames, or soilwork tattoos right now.

well if i do get it, it'll be the O, not the words opeth. of course whenever i see it, even as an old man, i'll know it means opeth, but to others it'll just look like a cool O. but then again, i'm the one who has to see it, and it doesn't matter what people think. but, yeah, i'm still not 100 percent.

hahaha, i agree with those who have in flames or soilwork tats. i'd be scraping them off with my finger nails about now.
I´m thinking too, about getting the o tatoo in my fucking rigth arm but i´m not sure yet. That o is very cool and i love opeth but but i don´t know if i can live all my fucking life with it in my arm....
I know a few of you would have tats, but do you have an Opeth tat of some description? Im considering getting one but I'm not sure about size and placement.
Any free advice would be appreciated or merely post your Opeth tat, whichever :rock: