Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

I would like to get a tattoo, eventually... i'm thinking about it for years already, but I never encountered a design that I would like to have tattooed on my body for the rest of my life.

I like the "O" symbol of Opeth very much, but there's a lot of people that already have it as a tattoo. I saw some of them in the "fan section" of and I really disliked some of them. Some are very badly done.

I also like (how original) some of the Celtic things that are being done, so the best thing I can think of is a Celtic/ tribal tattoo with the "O" symbol of Opeth incorporatedm into it.

So my question is, do you guys know a place on the net where I can get nice Celtic designs that would be nice for a tattoo. Or even better; do some of you HAVE such a (celtic/ "O") design and would you be willing to give it to me? Or when you're handy with photoshopping, could you make one?

Thanks anyway.
Tribal/celtic tatoos are definitly not very original... and getting an Opeth 'O' wouldnt be very bright either... I mean tatoos are with you for life, so you might choose something that reflects yourself or at least an era in your life...

I'd get a tatoo of a piece of cheese...
Yeah dude, do you know how many people got Metallica tattoos in the 80s, and now do you think they are showing off their tattoos with St. Anger banging in their stereos?? Personally, I would either get something universal tattooed, like a crest of some sort, or something important to me. But if you really want something Opeth tatooed, try to find a great pic of a black rose, I think that would look badass, and if you find out Opeth are gay, or if they start some kind of a cheese cult, no one would be able to accuse you of "having the black rose immortal tattooed on your ass!".
hahaha yeah, maybe you guys are right, but Opeth DO reflect an era of my life. That's why I don't want OPETH on my back, but only the "O" incorporated in something cool. A black rose is a bit girlish don't ya think???

In the past I wanted the Paradise Lost symbol (the draonlike crown of thorns) tattooed. Now I wouln't want that anymore but I still think it would've looked amazing.
I was wondering if anyone here has any Opeth tatts or pics of Opeth tatts? I found this one at


how cool is that!!