Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

The Still Life cover tattoo on the site is insane!

Oh yeah what email address do I send the my pic to, the site doesnt have an address, might just email anna from the forum.
yes, GROW IT!! i'm growing mine too!! i had it as long as mendez but then i got a kick ass mohawk, hehehe, then i went for a conservative haircut and now it's growing again... just so later i can get another different haircut.. it's fun to be chanigng!!
EVH316 said:
The point isn't having a tattoo, it's having a band tattoo.

I've always said, never get a tattoo of:

a) a sporting team
b) a band name/logo
c) a girlfriend

I have a much simpler rule that encompasses most of that:
Never get a tattoo of someone else's design.
I have only one and I created it myself through numerous doodles I used to do in class. Designed a second but I don't think I'll get another one. Ended up using it in some artwork instead. Wings are too cliche these days, anyway.

A friend in college who did ceramics had a wedding ring tattoo. I thought it was a cool idea since working with clay he couldn't really wear jewelry. Would suck if they got divorced but at least he has reasoning behind his choice as opposed to Tommy Lee and Pam Anderson.
Raistlin Majere said:
well my point is, what if opeth decided to change their genre and playing techno or i dunno rap, something horrible, not that its gonna happen but theres always a possibility of that, wont you regret that one? getting a tattoo of a band is always senseless cus you wouldnt know your future thoughts about that band. However that "o" is something beautiful, yet again is something that i wouldnt get.

technically, in the end, the tattoo is just a beautifully decorated O, and not necessarily the band name.

if he had gotten full-out 'opeth', then its possible he would regret it.

but i know where your coming from...i too think getting band names tattooed onto you is kinda stupid. I only consider this type of thing an exception because...well...its just the O :P
bloodlust rampant said:
imagine all the people who got tattooes of metallica back in the MoP days and heard st. anger . . .

Maybe this is off topic, but I have yet to be persuaded that St. Anger isn't at least a huge improvement upon the disgracefully bland Load albums...